Guided Meditations
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Méditation: Arriver chez Nous, Ici, avec la Respiration (16:07 min.)
Notre souffle, comme chemin de retour à la Présence, est toujours disponible. Cette méditation très simple nous mène à la relaxation, à l’éveil du corps, pour établir ensuite la...

Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath (14:48 min.)
Our breath is always available as a pathway back to presence. This simple meditation guides us to relax and awaken in the body, and then establishes the breath as a home base for...

Méditation: Une pause pour être Présent (12:02 min.)
Une méditation guidée qui nous invite à faire une pause sacrée dans notre quotidien. Une manière de s’ouvrir à la vie, de se centrer et de recommencer à nouveau lorsque nous...

Ten-Minute Basic Meditation (10 min.)
Tara offers a short introductory meditation with a body scan, bringing focus to the breath and sounds, then resting in awareness in silence for the final 3.5 minutes ~ from the...

Méditation: Pratique de méditation de base de 10 minutes (10:00 min.)
Cette courte méditation d’introduction avec scan du corps amène l’attention sur la respiration puis les sons pour finir en se reposant dans la Conscience. Cette méditation...

Reflection: Learning to Stay (4:41 min.)
We open the door to healing by bringing a mindful and kind attention to inner vulnerability and fear... "Learning to stay opens up the space that gives us our life. That's when...

Meditation: Opening to the Flow (24:17 min.)
This meditation begins with gathering awareness of the breath. We then reflect on our deepest intention, sensing what most matters. With a listening attention, becoming aware of...

Meditation: Breathing Our Way to Peace & Freedom (19:38 min.)
This meditation guides us in collecting attention with an intentional long deep breath, and awakening a full relaxed presence as the breath resumes in its natural rhythm. Resting...

Meditation: The Heartspace that is Home (25:07 min.)
“No matter how far you’ve wandered, this heartspace – this awake tender awareness – is only a half-breath of remembrance away.” This meditation awakens attention to the space of...

Meditation: Awakening Our Energy Body (19:51 min.)
This meditation scans the body and directly invites the awakening of key energy centers (chakras) in our body. We then rest in the openhearted awareness that includes this ever...

Meditation: Awake & Open Awareness (21:02 min.)
This calming meditation practice helps settle the mind with the breath and then opens to the changing flow of experience, letting life be just as it is. (a classic from the...

Méditation: Une conscience ouverte et éveillée (17:27 min.)
Cette méditation apaise en amenant d’abord notre attention à notre souffle et nous invite ensuite à s’ouvrir au flow changeant de l’expérience tout en recevant la vie telle...

Meditation: Presence and Breath (21:40 min.)
This simple meditation guides us to wake up awareness of the body, and rest with the movement of the breath. We are invited to discover the presence that arises as we come home...

Meditation: Letting Go of Doing (21:51 min.)
Meditation becomes truly freeing in the moments when there is no controlling whatsoever; when nothing is resisted or grasped after. This guided meditation begins with a simple...

Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence (22:56 min.)
We spend great swaths of time in a trance that removes us from awareness of our body and senses. This meditation reconnects us by scanning through the body, including sounds and...

Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Life (27:44 min.)
We are conditioned to scan for “what’s wrong" and contract our body and mind in anticipation of danger. This meditation helps us undo these primal survival habits, and frees us...

Meditation: Breath by Breath – Inviting Relaxation and Ease (16:47 min.)
This meditation invites relaxation and ease. We begin with a long deep breathing that helps calm the body and mind. Then we release tensions that might be held in the body, and...

Meditation: Natural, Open Awareness (16:54 min.)
When we are stressed, our attention narrows and fixates, often into obsessive thinking, worry and judgment. This meditation relaxes and opens the mind, first by a body scan and a...

Meditation: Blessings of Love (11:28 min)
A blessing is whatever reminds us of the sacred loving presence that shines through all of us. This meditation is a transformational practice in receiving and offering blessings....

Meditation: Opening to the Waves (20:19 min.)
When we are lost in thought, we lose touch with the aliveness and awareness that is always here. This meditation guides us with a mindful body scan to open to our senses, then to...
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