Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Beyond the Veil of Thinking (21:04 min.)
This meditation awakens us to the space and aliveness in these bodies, and to resting in wakeful openness. When we get lost in thought, we practice relaxing open, and exploring...
Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind (21:31 min.)
Collecting, unifying and opening the mind, we begin with a listening attention, noticing sounds that are here. Relaxing open and letting sounds wash through. With the same...
Meditation: Resting in Reality (23 min)
This guided practice awakens attention to sensations, sounds, space and aliveness, and encourages a continued “relaxing open” from thoughts into the living stream of experience....
Meditation: Receiving Life with an Open Awareness (20:45 min.)
We begin with listening and then bring a receptive attention to experience the life of the body. We then open the attention to the whole field of sensations and sound, and rest...
Meditation: Space and Aliveness and Awareness (21:37 min.)
This meditation engages the breath in a way that it connects us with our energetic aliveness and the space that holds and is intrinsic to all life. A body scan using this breath...
New Year’s Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence (22:27 min.)
Loving presence is an innate capacity, and it can be cultivated. This meditation begins with a scan arousing a relaxed tender presence in the body, then brings loving attention...
Meditation: Basic Body Scan (20 min.)
From the first morning of the IMCW 2017 New Year's retreat, Tara offers an introductory meditation with a body scan, bringing focus to the breath, sounds, then resting in...
Meditation: “Yes” to Life (13 min.)
This guided practice awakens a relaxed and friendly attention that rests in the breath and opens to whatever is arising. We deepen that presence with the intention to truly say...
Meditation: Boundless, Loving Awareness (21:06 min.)
Learning how to recognize and rest in spaciousness, allows us to discover the love and wakefulness that is our source. This meditation guides us to discover interior space,...
Meditation: Alert Inner Stillness (20:00 Min.)
Behind the changing sounds, sensations, feelings and thoughts is an alert inner stillness that is purely aware. This meditation begins with accessing the receptivity of a smile,...
Meditation: Transforming Fear (11:19 min.)
This guided practice invites us to identify a situation where we habitually become anxious or fearful, and then to explore bringing mindfulness and self-compassion to where we...
Meditation: Breath by Breath (23:02 min.)
Meditation: Breath by Breath - Our breath can be a home base that allows us to meet life with a relaxed, wakeful presence. This meditation helps us calm and settle the mind with...
Meditation: Relax into Happiness (19:19 min.)
Meditation: Relax Into Happiness ~ Lama Gendun Rinpoche writes, “Happiness cannot be found through great effort and willpower, but it is already there, in relaxation and letting...
Meditation: The Silence That is Listening (14:00 min)
Listening to sounds is a powerful way to quiet the thinking mind and connect with the natural openness of awareness. This meditation emphasizes the anchor of listening, and...
Meditation: Relaxed Attentiveness (20 min.)
Meditation: Relaxed Attentiveness - The primary qualities of a healing and freeing presence are being alert, open and tender. This meditation arouses these qualities by engaging...
Reflection: Cultivating a Loving Heart (7:10 min.)
Reflection: Cultivating a Loving Heart - Love is an innate capacity, and when we intentionally cultivate it, love shifts from a state to a trait. This meditation offers guidance...
Meditation: Refuge in Presence (18:12 min.)
Meditation: Refuge in Presence - We arrive in presence through the gateway of the body, scanning through with awareness, and then resting with the breath and body sensations. As...
Meditation: Awakening Compassion with Tonglen (11:35 min)
Our hearts awaken as we let ourselves be touched by the suffering within and around us. They shine as we respond with care to what has touched us. This meditation uses the breath...
Meditation: Present Heart (14:38 min)
We awaken a present heart by relaxing with the breath, and bringing the kindness of a smile into our bodily experience. This meditation ends with offering blessings to our inner...
Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Life (16:30 min)
Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Life - This meditation guides us in relaxing through the body, then opening to the changing river of experience. By continually relaxing back and...
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