Talks: Reflections on the Path

The Sacred Art of Listening

The Sacred Art of Listening

Just as presence is the heart of meditation, so deep listening is at the center of all conscious, loving relationships. This talk explores how our wants and fears block listening, ways we can deepen our capacity for listening, and the healing that unfolds when we truly feel heard by another.

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Radical Self-Honesty: The Joy of Getting Real

Radical Self-Honesty: The Joy of Getting Real

Our suffering arises from the unseen, unfelt, resisted parts of our psyche. This talk explores ways we can deepen self-honesty and reconnect to a wholeness of being that enables us to live with spontaneity, confidence, wisdom and love.
Quote from Elizabeth Lesser: “My prayer to god every day: Remove the veils so I might see what is really happening here and not be intoxicated by my stories and my fears.”

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Removing the Barriers to Love (retreat talk)

Removing the Barriers to Love (retreat talk)

(Retreat Talk) In our daily trance of feeling separate, we spend many moments wanting others to be different so we can feel better. This talk explores the heart awakening that unfolds when we deepen our commitment to seeing what is happening inside us. Only then can we see...

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Sacred Fertilizer: The Portal of Fear (Retreat Talk)

Sacred Fertilizer: The Portal of Fear (Retreat Talk)

Bringing presence to the contraction of fear is a universal part of spiritual awakening. This talk explores two interrelated pathways of opening to and transforming fear.  ...from the Fall 2014 IMCW fall retreat - Sunday night talk. Enjoy!

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Part 2: Happiness

Part 2: Happiness

The Buddha said that he would not teach about happiness if it were not possible to realize this experience of peace and deep well-being. In this three part series, we explore two kinds of happiness - that which arises out of particular causes and the experience of “happy for no...

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Part 1: Happiness

Part 1: Happiness

The Buddha said that he would not teach about happiness if it were not possible to realize this experience of peace and deep well-being. In this three part series, we explore two kinds of happiness – that which arises out of particular causes and the experience of “happy for no reason.” The talks examine the attachments that block happiness, ways to “gladden the mind,” and the liberating presence that naturally expresses as pure happiness.

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Part 2: Unconditional Love

Part 2: Unconditional Love

These two talks explore key elements in manifesting our innate capacity for unconditional love. Both talks include teachings and meditative strategies for recognizing our blocks to loving, and, through courageous, embodied presence, discovering who we are when not confined by...

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Part 1: Unconditional Love

Part 1: Unconditional Love

These two talks explore key elements in manifesting our innate capacity for unconditional love. Both talks include teachings and meditative strategies for recognizing our blocks to loving, and, through courageous, embodied presence, discovering who we are when not confined by...

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Awakening from the Landlocked Self

Awakening from the Landlocked Self

The Buddha taught that our suffering arises from forgetting who we are. This talk explores the trance of identifying as Somebody, and the compassionate witnessing that allows us to discover the freedom of our natural being. NOTE: the author of the poem, “Talk About Walking,” is...

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Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

This talk views the ecological dis-ease of our planet through the lens of our evolutionary unfolding. We explore the egoic trance that has precipitated the destruction of our environment, and the inner practices of presence that enable us to respond from love and wisdom.

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Loving Truth – The Power of Investigation

Loving Truth – The Power of Investigation

A key element in spiritual awakening is wise and compassionate investigation. This talk explores how investigation and inquiry (the use of questions) serves emotional healing, intimacy with others and the […]

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Bringing Awareness to  Doing

Bringing Awareness to Doing

One of the core domains of egoic trance is addictive doing – chronic activity driven by fear and wanting that keeps us from realizing a wholeness of Being. This talk looks at how addictive doing keeps us in the map of time, identified as a separate self, always on our way somewhere else. We then explore ways we undo this conditioning by pausing and opening to the liberating dimension of Being.

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Part 2: Trusting Your Basic Goodness

Part 2: Trusting Your Basic Goodness

This talk continues the exploration of what causes our distrust of ourselves, others and life, and the pathways to realizing and trusting who we are. We explore the steps of awakening from limiting beliefs, dissolving the resistance to direct embodied presence, and discovering the space and tenderness – the formless dimension – that is indivisible and whole.

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Embodying Loving Presence (Retreat Talk)

Embodying Loving Presence (Retreat Talk)

This talk looks at the evolutionary fear-patterning that creates separation in our relationships, and at the practices that open us to giving and receiving love. (from the IMCW long weekend residential retreat – 2014-08-02)

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Part 1: Basic Trust

Part 1: Basic Trust

One of the expressions of an awakened heart-mind is a basic trust in reality. These talks explore the severed belonging that gives rise to mistrust, and two primary pathways to realizing and trusting the indivisible field of loving awareness that is our source.

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Evening of Inquiry

Evening of Inquiry

In this class, Tara offered a guided meditation, some brief words on connecting with the felt sense of our experience, and opened the class to questions.

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Bringing Awareness to  Doing

Nourishing a Liberating Intention

The Buddha taught that this entire world arises out of the tip of intention. Intentions can arise from an egoic wants and fears, and they can arise from the wisdom of our heart that is calling us home. This talk explores the qualities that signify a liberating intention and...

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Blessings of Soul Recognition

Blessings of Soul Recognition

We live under an enchantment that has us see ourselves and each other as separate egoic entities. This talk draws on an Arthurian legend and explores the pathways of presence that enable us to see past the mask – our own, others – and recognize the spirit that shines through these temporary incarnations.

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Awakening through Conscious Relationships

Awakening through Conscious Relationships

Communicating our vulnerability and learning to listen – seeking to understand another’s experience – are the keys to discovering the truth of our connectedness. This talk explores the challenges and gifts of dedicating ourselves to becoming more real, present and open in our relationships.

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Bringing Awareness to  Doing

Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life

How you live today is how you live your life. This talk explores different meditative practices and teachings that help us reconnect with and nurture presence in the midst of the array of daily stressors.

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