Talks and Meditations with Videos
A collection of all of Tara’s talks and meditations that include videos.
Also view Tara Talks – a web series of short videos from the full-length recordings.

Part 2: The Healing Power of Self-Compassion
Learning to hold our own lives with a gentle compassion is a key element in all emotional healing and spiritual awakening. This two part series explores the suffering of being at war with ourselves and the pathway to freeing our hearts. Music at end is Libby Roderick, “How Could Anyone?”

Part 1: The Healing Power of Self-Compassion
Learning to hold our own lives with a gentle compassion is a key element in all emotional healing and spiritual awakening. This two part series explores the suffering of being at war with ourselves and the pathway to freeing our hearts. Music at end is Libby Roderick, “How Could Anyone?”

Part 4 – Living From Presence – Introduction to Meditation
Our human potential is to express the wings of presence--mindfulness and lovingkindness--through all facets of daily living. This talk explores the practices that enable us to...

Part 3 – Mindfulness of Thoughts – Introduction to Meditation
The primary element in meditation is training to awaken from the trance of thoughts. This class explores two key ways that mindfulness supports this awakening. The first is using...

Part 2 – Mindfulness of Emotions – Introduction to Meditation
Our conditioning is to live in a reactive trance of either resisting or become possessed by strong emotions. This reactivity fuels a trance of being separate from others, and...

Part 1 – The Art and Science of Meditation – Introduction to Meditation
The first session defines meditation and describes the Buddhist teachings that give a context to the path of practice. We explore the two basic types of meditation--concentration...