Letting Go Into Living and Dying

Letting Go Into Living and Dying

Our capacity to live and love fully is directly related to our acceptance of change and loss. This talk explores how we avoid the pain of loss, ways of practicing that open us to this changing world, and the gifts of letting go into the flow.

“I realized I don’t have to believe my thoughts.”

“I realized I don’t have to believe my thoughts.”

Our mindfulness practice is not about vanquishing our thoughts. It’s about becoming aware of the process of thinking so that we are not in a trance—lost inside our thoughts. That’s the big difference. To train in becoming mindful of thoughts can help us to notice when...
Letting Go Into Living and Dying

Entering the Mystery

John O’Donahue writes, “We are so busy managing our lives, we forget this great mystery we are involved in.” This talk looks at the ways we pull away from the mystery and the path of “beginners mind” that enables us to encounter this living world with freshness, courage and wonder.

Blog: The Sacred Art of Listening – Nourishing Loving Relationships

Blog: The Sacred Art of Listening – Nourishing Loving Relationships

To listen is to lean in softly With a willingness to be changed By what we hear   -Mark Nepo What happens when there’s a listening presence? When we’re fully in that listening presence, when there’s that pure quality of receptivity, we become presence itself. And...
Blog: Emptiness Dancing

Blog: Emptiness Dancing

This entire living world – including these forms we call self – is a creative arising and dissolving of empty awareness. I love the Zen phrase “emptiness dancing,” because it recognizes the inseparability of formlessness and form, of the awake space of...
Blog: Happy For No Reason

Blog: Happy For No Reason

Happy for No Reason – For years I’d heard that qigong was an ideal meditation for physical healing, and when I first experimented with it, I did find that the practice helped me feel more embodied and energetically attuned. Qigong is based on a Chinese system of...
Letting Go Into Living and Dying

Part 2: Three Blessings of Awakening Consciousness – Inner Fire

Each of us has the longing to manifest our full potential–to realize and live from loving, awake awareness. This longing is our inner fire, and when conscious and vibrant, it energizes the spiritual path. In this talk we reflect on how fear obscures and redirects our inner fire, and how practices of presence and wise reflection awaken the power and purity of our longing.