Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Embodied Metta (19:36 min.)
Lovingkindness becomes full when it is energetically experienced in our bodies. This meditation guides us in awakening the receptivity, warmth and openness of metta through our...

Meditation: Open Awareness – Relaxing Back into Presence (19:20 min)
This guided meditation practice brings attention to the continuous space within and around the body, and the aliveness of sound, sensation and feeling that lives through us....

Meditation: Receiving Life in Open Awareness (16:06 min)
Our habit is to try to manage our experience from a mental control tower. This meditation awakens us through the body, and then invites us to rest in that vast presence that...
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Meditation: Surrender into Living Presence (19:44 min)
In this guided meditation we begin with a body scan, and rest in awareness with our senses awake. The key practice is to recognize when the mind immerses in virtual reality,...

Meditation: Cultivating a Gentle, Kind Attention (19:07 min.)
This meditation calls on the image and felt sense of a smile as we scan through the body, and invites a receptive and caring presence, as we open our attention to the changing...

Meditation: Relaxed and Awake (16:59 min.)
This guided meditation helps us find ease and wakefulness in our body and mind. With the breath as our home base, we offer a gentle and full attention to the changing waves. We...
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Short Talk and Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Our Life (11:23 min.)
Our habitual ways of avoiding pain keep us from experiencing intimacy with our inner life and with each other. This short talk and guided meditation offers instruction in saying...

Meditation: Breath by Breath – Inviting Relaxation and Ease
This meditation invites relaxation and ease. We begin with a long deep breathing that helps calm the body and mind. Then we release tensions that might be held in the body, and...

Guided Meditation: Opening to the Sea of Presence (19:53 min.)
When our body and mind is relaxed, we become filled with a very awake, dynamic quality of presence. This meditation guides us in relaxing, opening our senses and resting in the...

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Full Presence (23:25 min.)
This guided practice begins with a conscious breath that relaxes the body and mind, and then a body scan to awaken to the aliveness of the present moment. We then open into the...

Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (24:08 min.)
Taking in the Goodness: Rumi said, “Whenever some kindness comes to you, turn that way – toward the source of kindness.” This meditation guides us to look for the source of...

Meditation: Vipassana – The Practice of Seeing Clearly (18:02 min.)
Vipassana, also known as insight meditation, is training in bringing a clear mindful attention to our moment-to-moment experience. We begin by relaxing through the body and then...

Meditation: Embodying Loving Awareness (19:39 min.)
Love is often abstract, and not fully alive. In this practice, with the supportive image and felt sense of a smile, we are guided to awaken loving in our body, mind and whole...

Meditation: Remembering Your Spiritual Heart (16:52 min.)
During times of great collective stress, it’s common to get gripped by waves of anxiety and fear. This guided meditation, an adaptation of the Tibetan tonglen practice, helps us...

Meditation: Living Loving Awareness (20 min.)
By bringing our full attention to the aliveness in the body, we can open to the experience of interior space and the space that includes all sensations and sounds. This then...

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:12 min.)
When we fully inhabit our body, we discover the space and wakefulness of awareness itself. In this meditation, we rest in this open awareness, and when the attention narrows into...

Meditation: Resting Your Heart in Presence (20:12 min.)
When we’re having difficulty, we typically tense up our body and mind, and armor our heart. This practice offers a pathway of relaxing that tension and tasting the peace that...

Meditation: Disarming Our Hearts (10:53 min.)
Most of us know the suffering of feeling separate from others. In this guided meditation, we explore how we can re-open our hearts by intentionally bringing a caring mindful...

Meditation: Embodying Acceptance and Care (15:34 min.)
This guided meditation helps us cultivate a friendly relationship with our experience. Using the image of a smile, we bring a gentle presence alive in our bodies, and then open...

Guided Meditation: Resting in Knowing (20:43 min.)
Behind the activity of thinking, and the ever-changing flow of sounds, sensations and feelings, there is a great and awake silence that holds all that unfolds. This space of...