Blog: Shifting from Blame to Love: 3 Practices for a Wise Heart

Blog: Shifting from Blame to Love: 3 Practices for a Wise Heart

Evolution has rigged all of us with a negativity bias—a survival-driven habit to scan for what’s wrong and to fixate on it. In contemporary society, a pervasive target is our own sense of unworthiness. We habitually fixate on how we’re falling short—in our...
Blog: The Sacred Art of Listening – Nourishing Loving Relationships

Blog: The Sacred Art of Listening – Nourishing Loving Relationships

To listen is to lean in softly With a willingness to be changed By what we hear – Mark Nepo What happens when there’s a listening presence? When we’re fully in that listening presence, when there’s that pure quality of receptivity, we become presence itself. And...
Blog: Deep Listening: Ear of the Heart

Blog: Deep Listening: Ear of the Heart

Most of us consider listening a great virtue. We love having others listen to us with interest and care, and we hope to be good listeners ourselves. But for most of us, listening is hard. To listen well, we must become aware of the mental static that runs...