Working with Our Stories: An Interview with Tara Brach

The following interview originally appeared in the Fall 2003 issue of Inquiring Mind (vol. 20 number 1). © 2003 Inquiring Mind. Reprinted by permission. Inquiring Mind: In your book you talk about being caught for years in what you call “the...

Working with Fear – article in Modern Maturity Magazine

by Tara Brach(originally published in Modern Maturity Magazine) There’s an old joke about the Jewish mother who sends her son a telegram that reads, “Start worrying. Details to follow.” That’s exactly how most of us live. We go through our days, a bundle of tense...

Working With Difficulties: The Blessings of RAIN

NOTE: See updated explanation and more RAIN resources here. Adapted from Tara’s book: True Refuge: Finding Peace & Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart (Bantam, 2013)Also available in .pdf (22KB) About twelve years ago, a number of Buddhist teachers began...
Blog: The Practice of Saying, “Yes”

Blog: The Practice of Saying, “Yes”

by Tara Brach Some years ago, in the middle of a weeklong vipassana retreat, I found myself swamped in negativity. I reacted with aversion to every facet of life around me. The teachers were talking too much; the cold, cloudy weather was disappointing; my fellow...

From Longing to Belonging

by Tara Brach(Originally published in Tricycle Magazine – summer 2004) I looked around the hall at all the other meditators, sitting so quietly, with such dignity. Suffering arises from getting caught up in stories and illusions, I reminded myself, hoping that somehow...

Creating Peace by Letting Go of Blame

by Tara Brach (This article originally was published in Awakening Mind, June, 2003) We’ve all been hurt, disappointed, betrayed, maybe even abused. Sometimes the perpetrator is someone we love; at other times it may be an institution such as our employer or our...
Blessings of a Patient Heart

Blessings of a Patient Heart

by Tara Brach (This article originally was published in Awakening Mind, December, 2003) My friend was late for our lunch date and I had nothing to do. My cell phone wasn’t charged and I’d forgotten to bring a book. Perusing the menu only lasted for so long. Surrounded...

Article: Awakening From the Trance of Unworthiness

by Tara Brach – July, 2014 During high school, I consciously struggled with not liking myself, yet it was during college that I became distressed by the intensity of my self-aversion. On a weekend outing, a roommate described her inner process as “becoming her own...
Blessings of a Patient Heart

Article: Awakening From the Trance of Unworthiness

by Tara Brach(The following article originally appeared in the Spring 2001 issue of Inquiring Mind (vol. 17, number 2). It’s here in all the pieces of my shameThat now I find myself again.I yearn to belong to something, to be containedIn an...