Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)

When we fully inhabit our body, we discover the space and wakefulness of awareness itself. In this meditation, we rest in this open awareness, and when the attention narrows into thoughts, we practice relaxing back into the openness that includes passing sounds,...
Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (16:55 min.)

Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (16:55 min.)

This guided meditation invites us to imagine a clenched fist relaxing open, and explores this in releasing contractions in the body as well as the grip of thoughts. When we deeply let go and let be, our energy flows freely. We reconnect with our natural aliveness,...
Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering

Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering

This talk explores the three archetypal refuges of awareness (Buddha-nature), truth (Dharma) and love (Sangha) through stories, illustrations and reflections. We end with a Refuge ceremony that can be done by anyone who feels drawn. (To participate you will need a 20”...
Meditation: Awakening an Intimate Presence (20:24 min.)

Meditation: Awakening an Intimate Presence (20:24 min.)

This guided meditation cultivates a relaxed, gentle presence with whatever expressions of life are arising in the moment. We begin by releasing and opening through the body, and then include all sensations, feelings and sounds in an intimate, allowing presence.
Meditation: Collecting and Quieting the Mind (16:48 min.)

Meditation: Collecting and Quieting the Mind (16:48 min.)

Our conditioned mind is filled with distractions, including worry-thoughts that continually create anxiety in the body. This meditation guides us in relaxing the body, and then establishing the breath as a home base. By gathering and collecting the attention, the mind...
Loving Ourselves into Healing – Part 1

Loving Ourselves into Healing – Part 1

We are often at war with our difficult emotions—judging and hating ourselves for our fear, anger, clinging or shame. And as a society, we turn on others as lesser or bad, as the enemy. These talks explore how, in both domains, our continued evolution, healing and...
Meditation: Refuge in Presence (18:26 min.)

Meditation: Refuge in Presence (18:26 min.)

We arrive in presence through the gateway of the body, scanning through with awareness, and then resting with the breath and body sensations. As we include whatever arises with a gentle and kind attention, our inner refuge becomes increasingly stable and openhearted....
Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (24:31 min.)

Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (24:31 min.)

Taking in the Goodness: Rumi said, “Whenever some kindness comes to you, turn that way – toward the source of kindness.” This meditation guides us to look for the source of loving and to turn in that direction. It begins with a lovingkindness practice that spreads the...
Preparing Our Hearts for the Holidays

Preparing Our Hearts for the Holidays

While the holidays can be times of loving celebration, they can also highlight relational conflicts and challenges. This talk explores how, given the stress of the season, we can bring grace and openheartedness to ourselves and others. Tonight’s class closes...
Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship

Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship

Gratitude arises when we are in sacred relationship with life—present, open and receptive. This talk explores how central gratitude is to our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, and then looks at the ways we can directly gladden our minds with gratitude. We...
Meditation: Energy and Source (19:21 min)

Meditation: Energy and Source (19:21 min)

Our incessant thinking removes us from the full aliveness, vastness and mystery of Being. This guided practice helps us inhabit our energetic forms, and rest in the vast, formless stillness that gives rise to this ever creative living world.
Meditation: Filling Our Body with Love (16:26 min.)

Meditation: Filling Our Body with Love (16:26 min.)

When we are fully awake, love shines through our entire body and being. This meditation awakens that embodied love through the image and felt sense of the smile, scanning through the body, resting in loving presence and offering loving prayer.