Blessings of Soul Recognition

Blessings of Soul Recognition

We live under an enchantment that has us see ourselves and each other as separate egoic entities. This talk draws on an Arthurian legend and explores the pathways of presence that enable us to see past the mask – our own, others – and recognize the spirit that shines through these temporary incarnations.

Awakening through Conscious Relationships

Awakening through Conscious Relationships

Communicating our vulnerability and learning to listen – seeking to understand another’s experience – are the keys to discovering the truth of our connectedness. This talk explores the challenges and gifts of dedicating ourselves to becoming more real, present and open in our relationships.

Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life

Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life

How you live today is how you live your life. This talk explores different meditative practices and teachings that help us reconnect with and nurture presence in the midst of the array of daily stressors.

Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life

Awakening from Virtual Reality

This talk looks at the power our virtual reality of thoughts can hold over our lives. We then explore how bringing mindful awareness to thinking enables us to heal historical wounding and discover who we are beyond the self-story in our mind. We don’t have to believe our thoughts; they are “real but not true!”

Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life


In Buddhism and most faiths, humility – feeling that we all share common ground, feeling neither superior or inferior to others – is both a prerequisite to awakening and an expression of mature spirituality. This talk explores how our conditioning and culture reinforce a swing from ego-inflation (self-importance, feeling special, better than others) to ego-deflation (feeling unworthy). We then look at how a wise and kind attention opens us to who we are beyond these confining egoic states, and enables us to live with humility and grace.

Orando con Presencia  Parte I

Orando con Presencia Parte I

En momentos de desesperación, no importa lo que creamos, todos pedimos ayuda a alguien o algo en forma de oración. Quizás lo hacemos buscando alivio de una migraña, para ser elegidos en una posición laboral, o quizás rezamos para encontrar la sabiduría necesaria para...
Blog: Trance of “Unreal Other”

Blog: Trance of “Unreal Other”

The truth is: without a genuine willingness to let in the suffering of others, our spiritual practice remains empty. Father Theophane, a Christian mystic, writes about an incident that happened when he took some time off from his secular duties for spiritual renewal...
Question and Response

Question and Response

Tara explores a range of questions that include working with unworthiness, recognizing aspiration, stepping out of the story and understanding the selfless quality of experience.

Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life

Heart Training on the Bodhisatva Path

Bodhisattva means “Awakened Being.” This path of awakening has three key domains for practice: remembering intention; training our attention; and compassionate activity. This talk reviews these domains and includes guided reflections that can help bring spirituality alive in daily life.

Am I Dreaming? (retreat talk)

Am I Dreaming? (retreat talk)

As we cultivate mindfulness we become increasingly aware of how we move through huge swaths of our life in trance. This talk reflects on three key domains of trance, and undoing the habitual reactivity that keeps us from the loving, open awareness that is our...