The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course

The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course

  The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course with Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Konda Mason & Devin Berry Course begins 9/18__________ If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world more acutely these days, you are not alone. Humanity is facing more uncertainty...
The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course

*NEW* The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course

  The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course with Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Konda Mason & Devin Berry Course begins 7/31__________ If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world more acutely these days, you are not alone. Humanity is facing more uncertainty...
RAIN of Self-Compassion – Half-Day Online Retreat

RAIN of Self-Compassion – Half-Day Online Retreat

The capacity to hold our inner experience with tenderness is an essential part of spiritual awakening. During our time together, we’ll explore the blocks to self-kindness and how the RAIN practice can help us love ourselves into healing.

The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course

*NEW* The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course

  The Power of Awareness | 7-Week Online Course with Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Konda Mason & Devin Berry Course begins 6/12__________ If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world more acutely these days, you are not alone. Humanity is facing more uncertainty...
IMCW Second Sunday Dharma Series with Tara Brach & Jennifer Stanley

IMCW Second Sunday Dharma Series with Tara Brach & Jennifer Stanley

As fear and instability in the outer world continue to grow, we often contract into self-protection mode, becoming increasingly divided from each other and ultimately from ourselves. Mistrust, blame, loneliness, and just not feeling at home in our own lives are symptoms of this sense of separation. Join us in conversation with Tara Brach as we discuss how to restore this connection, both inwardly and with our world.

Awakening Your Fearless Heart – 6-Week Online Course

Awakening Your Fearless Heart – 6-Week Online Course

Awakening Your Fearless Heart is so much more than an online course, it’s a life-changing experience. Explore teachings and practices that you can use right away to loosen the grip of deeply rooted patterns of insecurity and limiting beliefs.

Radical Self-Compassion: 6-Week Online Course

Radical Self-Compassion: 6-Week Online Course

Learn specific practices to cultivate compassion and develop a healing relationship with difficult emotions like shame, fear, and anger.

As you learn to nurture your own wounds with tender care, your compassionate heart will naturally extend to others.

Concern for All Beings: Tara Brach on Plant-Based Eating

Concern for All Beings: Tara Brach on Plant-Based Eating

A vegetarian diet, while encouraged in most schools of Buddhism, isn’t a requirement of the Buddhist path. But as meditation teacher and author Tara Brach argues, there are powerful spiritual opportunities in embracing a plant-based diet.

Stories That Imprison Our Heart – Part 1

Stories That Imprison Our Heart – Part 1

Our suffering arises from fear-based stories that are often outside our awareness. These include stories of our deficiency or importance, of being a victim, of being unseen or unloved, of facing failure or rejection.  This is true collectively too.  We have shared...