Meditation: Resting in a Sea of Presence (20:49 min.)

Meditation: Resting in a Sea of Presence (20:49 min.)

This mindful body scan leads us into a practice of relaxing back into awareness, and recognizing the changing waves of sensations, sounds and feelings in the foreground. As we let go into the sea of presence, we discover am increasing sense of wholeness and peace. The...
Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (18:00 min.)

Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (18:00 min.)

Many of us struggle with anxiety, and spend hours in bed wishing we could turn off our mind and get to sleep. This podcasted series of 3 guided meditations – 6, 12, and 18 minutes long – can help in quieting your mind, relaxing your body, and bringing...
Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (12:00 min.)

Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (12:00 min.)

Many of us struggle with anxiety, and spend hours in bed wishing we could turn off our mind and get to sleep. This podcasted series of 3 guided meditations – 6, 12, and 18 minutes long – can help in quieting your mind, relaxing your body, and bringing...
Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (6:52 min.)

Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (6:52 min.)

Many of us struggle with anxiety, and spend hours in bed wishing we could turn off our mind and get to sleep. This podcasted series of 3 guided meditations – 6, 12, and 18 minutes long – can help in quieting your mind, relaxing your body, and bringing...
The Sacred Art of Listening

The Sacred Art of Listening

Just as presence is the heart of meditation, so deep listening is at the center of all conscious, loving relationships. This talk explores how our wants and fears block listening, ways we can deepen our capacity for listening, and the healing that unfolds when we...
Meditation: Listening to Life (18:54 min.)

Meditation: Listening to Life (18:54 min.)

The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations, and then relax back into the ocean of awareness that includes and perceives the...
Spiritual Reparenting

Spiritual Reparenting

[CC] ~ When we are not sufficiently nurtured in childhood, we are inclined toward anxiety, depression, addiction and other forms of suffering. In a deep way, we do not feel at home with others. We are disconnected from our own body, heart and spirit. This talk...
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Living Presence (18:55 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Living Presence (18:55 min.)

When we are lost in thoughts our mind contracts, our body tightens and we disconnect from true openheartedness. The pathway home is through “relaxing back” and reopening our attention to our senses, relaxing through our body, and gently contacting the felt sense in...
Living with Courageous Presence

Living with Courageous Presence

[CC] ~ The essence of courage is to willingly feel our vulnerability; this is what allows us to respond to life with an undefended, wise heart. This talk explores the ways we resist opening to vulnerability, and three key steps in cultivating a courageous presence....
Meditation: A Practice of RAIN (20:00 min.)

Meditation: A Practice of RAIN (20:00 min.)

The acronym RAIN – Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture – guides us in bringing mindfulness and compassion to difficult emotions. With practice, we can find our way home to open-hearted presence in the midst of whatever arises. “Don’t turn...
Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind (21:31 min.)

Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind (21:31 min.)

Collecting, unifying and opening the mind, we begin with a listening attention, noticing sounds that are here. Relaxing open and letting sounds wash through. With the same receptivity to sounds, listen to and feel the aliveness of the body. Listening to the breath as...
Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

This talk was given in 2015, yet it is as timely as ever. It views the ecological dis-ease of our planet through the lens of our evolutionary unfolding. We explore the egoic trance that has precipitated the destruction of our environment, and the inner practices of...
Meditation: Living Loving Awareness (19:54 min.)

Meditation: Living Loving Awareness (19:54 min.)

By bringing our full attention to the aliveness in the body, we can open to the experience of interior space and the space that includes all sensations and sounds. This then allows us to perceive continuous space filled with the light of awareness. This meditation...
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)

When we fully inhabit our body, we discover the space and wakefulness of awareness itself. In this meditation, we rest in this open awareness, and when the attention narrows into thoughts, we practice relaxing back into the openness that includes passing sounds,...