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Meditation: Living Loving Awareness (19:54 min.)

Jan 23, 2019

By bringing our full attention to the aliveness in the body, we can open to the experience of interior space and the space that includes all sensations and sounds. This then allows us to perceive continuous space filled with the light of awareness. This meditation attunes us to these dimensions of awareness: continuous open space, heart space and full aliveness. We end with a Zen poem that invites us to rest in this living, loving awareness, and know it as home.

From one Zen poet: “Right here, right now.
Be absolutely still and notice… the experience of pure awareness… without resistance.
This attention is the universal attention. It has no boundaries.
It is awake, pure, alive and nurturing.
So dip into this awareness… rest in purity for one second… ten seconds… thirty seconds…
Keep diving in complete surrender, allowing whatever sensations to be and to move.
Keep resting in this place.
Soon you will see it is your home.
It is your essence.
Like an ice cube on the sea, you apparently melt into this ocean
and there’s only bliss… this bliss of freedom… of homecoming.

Right here, right now. Be absolutely still and notice… this experience of pure awareness.
Keep resting in this place. Soon you will see it is your home. It is your essence.”

-Kip Mazuy, “Finding Inner Peace, Part 2”


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