Be Who You Are (retreat talk)

Be Who You Are (retreat talk)

By bringing a surrendering presence to mental, emotional and physical domains, we undo the trance of separation and discover our true nature. This talk explores the practices that cultivate the non-resisting space of presence, and the flavors of our essential being...
Accepting Absolutely Everything

Accepting Absolutely Everything

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”  Carl Rogers  Mohini was a regal white tiger who lived for many years at the Washington D.C. National Zoo. For most of those years her home was in the old lion house—a typical...
Navegando en kayak: encontrado una manera de estar con el miedo

Navegando en kayak: encontrado una manera de estar con el miedo

La mayoría de nosotros vivimos con mucha tensión, a causa del miedo o la manera en la que lidiamos con el. Tememos que: algo malo vaya a pasar no valgamos lo suficiente no seamos queridos o amados vayamos a perder algo importante o querido ¿A qué temes?  ¿Por qué...
Blog: Stress & Meditazione

Blog: Stress & Meditazione

Questa e’ la storia del mago Harry Houdini che viaggiava per i villaggi d’Europa sfidando i carcerieri locali a legarlo in una camicia di forza e a chiuderlo a chiave in una cella per vedere se riusciva a liberarsi. E ogni volta riusciva liberarsi dalla camicia di...
The World in Our Heart

The World in Our Heart

Some contemporary evolutionary theories track our development from survival of the fittest to group selection whereby we have the capacity for cooperation and empathy. This talk explores how our meditation practice of attending and befriending consciously facilitates the unfolding of our full evolutionary potential. The talk includes a guided meditation that helps us widen the circles of belonging to include all beings.

Blog: Learning to Recognize Our Strategies

Blog: Learning to Recognize Our Strategies

Whenever we find ourselves caught in what I call “the trance of unworthiness,” many of us tend to reflexively do whatever we can to avoid the raw pain of feeling unworthy. Each time our deficiencies are exposed—to ourselves or others—we tend to react, anxiously trying...
Blog: Growing Up Unworthy

Blog: Growing Up Unworthy

In their book, Stories of the Spirit, Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman tell this story: A family went out to a restaurant for dinner. When the waitress arrived, the parents each gave their orders. Immediately, their five-year-old daughter piped up with her own:...
Open Heart, Open Mind with Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Open Heart, Open Mind with Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Tsoknyi Rinpoche (in conversation with Tara Brach) – In talking about his new book, Tibetan teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche describes the layers of self that cover over our “essence love,” and the way that mindfulness reconnects us to our true nature.

Blog: Imperfection Is Not Our Personal Problem

Blog: Imperfection Is Not Our Personal Problem

After graduating from college, I moved into an ashram, a spiritual community, and enthusiastically devoted myself to the lifestyle for almost twelve years. I felt I had found a path through which I could purify myself and transcend the imperfections of my ego—the self...
A Mindful Nation with US Congressman Tim Ryan

A Mindful Nation with US Congressman Tim Ryan

One of the great sources of hope is the “quiet revolution” of mindfulness that is appearing in schools, hospitals, prisons, the military, corporate settings and the lives of millions of people around the world. In this talk, US Congressman Tim Ryan points to highlights of this revolution–which are reviewed in his compelling new book, A Mindful Nation. He shares about his own personal experience with mindfulness practice and his commitment to seeing the mindfulness and compassion at the center of our work for a better future.