Being with Love, Death and Grief: Tara Brach and Frank Ostaseski

Being with Love, Death and Grief: Tara Brach and Frank Ostaseski

Grief is our natural way of expressing loss for what we love, and learning to open to grief serves the deepening and widening of our loving. This event, given at the Upaya Zen Center on June 25, 2023, includes short meditations and talks by Frank and Tara, and...
Our Refuge of Heartspace

Our Refuge of Heartspace

Amidst the great emotional reactivity of our times, this talk looks at: How do we hold this? What will allow us to respond wisely to our hurting world? How can we widen the circles of compassion? Our time includes a talk, sharing of responses to several inquiries and...
Instruction and Question-Response during Retreat (9:44 min)

Instruction and Question-Response during Retreat (9:44 min)

Topics include individualizing your meditation practice, working with the “tangles,” forgiveness practice, and using the “N-Nurturing” of RAIN. Given during the 2017 IMCW Spring Retreat. Let us know if you find this kind of short clip...
Meditation Instructions – RAIN and Question-Response (14:23 min)

Meditation Instructions – RAIN and Question-Response (14:23 min)

Tara gives morning instruction on retreat including RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nourish), then responds to questions from retreatants. Includes a question on resourcing when working with trauma. Recorded at the 2016 IMCW Women’s Retreat. • More...
Morning Question and Response on Retreat (16:46 min)

Morning Question and Response on Retreat (16:46 min)

Morning Question and Response from Retreat – Tara responds to questions on deepening our meditation practice, working with desire, and the RAIN practice (from the 2016 IMCW spring residential retreat). Free download of Tara’s 10 min meditation: “Mindful...
Question and Response from Retreat (12:10 min)

Question and Response from Retreat (12:10 min)

Question and Response from Retreat ~ After morning meditation, Tara responds to questions on deepening our meditation practice, working with unpleasant and pleasant thoughts, and forgiveness from the IMCW 2016 Spring Residential Retreat. photo: Susan Whitcomb –...
Blog: FAQ for Meditation

Blog: FAQ for Meditation

Download the Meditation FAQ ( in PDF) ~ Establishing a Practice ~ How do I start a period of meditation practice? It’s helpful to begin by settling yourself and calling to mind your aspirations and intentions—perhaps to calm and steady yourself, to find balance and...
Meditation Instructions with Question/Response (14 min)(retreat)

Meditation Instructions with Question/Response (14 min)(retreat)

“…discover what’s happening here, beyond the veil of thinking.” Tara gives additional instructions and responds to questions after the morning meditation at the 2015 IMCW New Year retreat. photo: – Tara at Pearlstone Retreat Center...
Walking Meditation – Instructions (Audio and PDF) (6:19 min)

Walking Meditation – Instructions (Audio and PDF) (6:19 min)

Meditation is a practice of presence that you can bring alive in all settings and activities. The formal training in walking meditation can be particularly valuable for helping you to cultivate an awareness of your embodied experience in each moment, allowing you to...
Evening of Inquiry

Evening of Inquiry

In this class, Tara offered a guided meditation, some brief words on connecting with the felt sense of our experience, and opened the class to questions.