Belonging to Each Other – Part 2 of 3

Belonging to Each Other – Part 2 of 3

Mother Teresa writes that if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. These three talks explore the causes for severed belonging, and pathways to deepening the felt sense of belonging to our own body, heart and spirit, and to all...
Meditation: Vast and Timeless Presence (21:16 min.)

Meditation: Vast and Timeless Presence (21:16 min.)

The pathway to inhabiting our full presence is including, with mindfulness all parts of experience. This guided meditation explores how we can open, without resistance to the changing flow of sensations, feelings, thoughts and sounds, and discover the boundless...
Meditation: Relaxed and Alert (21:16 min.)

Meditation: Relaxed and Alert (21:16 min.)

This meditation begins with a period of relaxing and collecting our attention with intentional long deep breathing. We then deepen embodied presence, and widen to the awareness that includes sounds, sensations, feelings, breath, and all experience. When the mind...
Belonging to Each Other – Part 1 of 3

Belonging to Each Other – Part 1 of 3

Mother Teresa writes that if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. These three talks explore the causes for severed belonging, and pathways to deepening the felt sense of belonging to our own body, heart and spirit, and to all...
JAPANESE Taraのお話:忙し過ぎて時間がない

JAPANESE Taraのお話:忙し過ぎて時間がない

Taraのお話 : 忙し過ぎて時間がない(字幕マジストラリ佐々木啓乃) – with Tara Brach ストレスがあればあるほど自分にとって大切な人が欲している事を単なる『邪魔』と間違えてしまいます。 日本語の字幕をオンにするにはYouTube画面右下にある”CC”をクリックしてください。 タラのお話の全編はこちらから(英語): Listening to the Song – Part 2 To watch this clip with English captions:...
Meditation: Relaxing into Awake Awareness (19:16 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing into Awake Awareness (19:16 min.)

We realize our true nature by relaxing back into what is always, already here. Starting by scanning and opening through the body, we explore resting in the awareness that includes sounds, sensations and all of life. The guidance is, when we recognize thoughts, to...
Spiritual Hope: Trusting Your Awakening Heart

Spiritual Hope: Trusting Your Awakening Heart

Our beliefs and understandings about reality directly impact our moment to moment experience of living. If we believe we will never change, that blocks the transformation that brings happiness and freedom. If we trust our spiritual unfolding and are open to...
JAPANESE Taraのお話:忙し過ぎて時間がない

JAPANESE Taraのお話:コントロールしようとするのを辞める

Taraのお話:コントロールしようとするのを辞める(字幕マジストラリ佐々木啓乃) – with Tara Brach このお話の中でタラは私達の中に潜むコントロールし過ぎようとする傾向をどのようにして私達の本来の気質である優しさと感謝の気持ちで落ち着かせるかを説きます。 日本語の字幕をオンにするにはYouTube画面右下にある”CC”をクリックしてください。 タラのお話の全編はこちらから(英語) Relaxing the Over-Controller – Part 1 To...
Wise Investigation: Dissolving the Trance

Wise Investigation: Dissolving the Trance

If we are suffering, it is because we are believing something that is not true and caught in emotional reactivity. A key tool in meditation is investigation – actively inquiring into what is happening inside us. When we investigate with sincere interest and care, the...
Meditation: A Healing, Relaxing Breath (24:19 min.)

Meditation: A Healing, Relaxing Breath (24:19 min.)

This meditation guides us in collecting attention with an intentional long deep even breath, and awakening a full relaxed presence as the breath resumes in its natural rhythm. Resting fully in this presence is the gateway to deep peace and inner freedom (a favorite...
True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being

True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being

Well being is the deep contentment that arises from a relaxed, wakeful presence. This talk explores the beliefs and habits that contract us away from presence, and several key ways we can nourish our natural capacity for happiness. Happiness cannot be found through...
The Gift of Silence: Quieting the Mind

The Gift of Silence: Quieting the Mind

Through all spiritual traditions, there is a valuing of silence and stillness. When the mind has quieted, it becomes possible to see into the truth of what we are. Yet quieting can turn into a battle with the process of the thinking mind. This talk explores practices...
Befriending Irene

Befriending Irene

While Tara is away, this talk is from 2011 after Hurricane Irene hit us with fury. Dorian is now leaving its destruction behind, just as we work with our stormy weather within. Whether you face chronic anxiety or more violent storms of fear and anger, you can...