Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice

Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice

CC ~ A key spiritual inquiry is, “In this moment, what most serves awakening?” Rather than a particular style of meditation practice, it is our way of relating to our experience – our attitude – that frees our hearts. This talk explores the attitudes that are an...
Authentic Thanks Giving

Authentic Thanks Giving

CC ~ How do we awaken our natural capacities for gratitude and generosity? This talk explores the pathways of honest presence and purposeful cultivation, and offers several  reflections that guide us in contacting and expressing our love. On cold evenings my...
Survival of the Nurtured – Our Path to Belonging

Survival of the Nurtured – Our Path to Belonging

“We are not the survival of the fittest. We are the survival of the nurtured.”— Louis Cozolino [CC] ~ We flourish when nurtured with love and understanding. Yet for so many, the violence of our society and lack of attuned caretakers has severed trust and belonging....
Part 2  – The Jewel in the Lotus: Cultivating Compassion

Part 2 – The Jewel in the Lotus: Cultivating Compassion

The compassion that arises from mindful awareness can heal our inner wounds, interpersonal conflict and the suffering in our world. These two talks focus on cultivating self-compassion and compassion for others. They look at the blocks to compassion and accessible...
Part 1 – The Jewel in the Lotus: Cultivating Compassion

Part 1 – The Jewel in the Lotus: Cultivating Compassion

The compassion that arises from mindful awareness can heal our inner wounds, interpersonal conflict and the suffering in our world. These two talks focus on cultivating self-compassion and compassion for others. They look at the blocks to compassion and accessible...
Part 2: Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom

Part 2: Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom

The Buddha said, “I would not be teaching this (a path of awakening) if genuine happiness and freedom were not possible.” While this is our potential, we each have deep conditioning to get stuck in feelings of fear, deficiency and separation from others. These talks...
Part 1: Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom

Part 1: Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom

The Buddha said, “I would not be teaching this (a path of awakening) if genuine happiness and freedom were not possible.” While this is our potential, we each have deep conditioning to get stuck in feelings of fear, deficiency and separation from others. These talks...
The Sacred Pause

The Sacred Pause

Transcript now available: The Sacred Pause  CC ~ When we are lost in the trance of doing, our lives are on automatic, and contracted by sense that something’s wrong or missing. This talk explores the challenges of learning to pause, and the blessings that arise...
Tara Talks: Remembering Our Shared Humanity (8:43 min.)

Tara Talks: Remembering Our Shared Humanity (8:43 min.)

When we really attune to another, we can easily sense how we have the same longing to live fully and be free. But when we are distracted by stories of fear, separation and judgment, we forget our shared humanity. This primitive conditioning is what drives the cruelty...
Part 2: Impermanence – Awakening Through Insecurity

Part 2: Impermanence – Awakening Through Insecurity

From the view of the separate self, this existence is inherently uncertain, and we are profoundly vulnerable. Our habitual reaction to insecurity fuels separation, and limits our capacity to live and love fully. These two talks explore the blessings of wisdom, love...
Part 2: Healing Depression with Meditation

Part 2: Healing Depression with Meditation

Most people get depressed at times, and many suffer greatly from bouts of major depression. At the heart of the suffering is the experience of severed belonging—of being imprisoned in the pain of separation, unworthiness, unlovability and hopelessness. These two talks...
Part 1: Healing Depression with Meditation

Part 1: Healing Depression with Meditation

Most people get depressed at times, and many suffer greatly from bouts of major depression. At the heart of the suffering is the experience of severed belonging—of being imprisoned in the pain of separation, unworthiness, unlovability and hopelessness. These two talks...
Saying “Yes” – Meeting Your Edge and Softening

Saying “Yes” – Meeting Your Edge and Softening

Our habitual ways of avoiding unpleasant experience keep us from intimacy with our inner life and with each other. This talk helps us recognize these often unconscious patterns that keep us identified with a separate, threatened self, and offers guidance in saying...
What Is It Like Being You?

What Is It Like Being You?

Compassion is hard wired in our organism, and can be cultivated. This talk helps us identify the blocks to compassion—our outmoded survival equipment—and using RAIN, offers practical guidance in mindfully attuning to others’ emotional experience and awakening...
From Human Doing to Human Being – Part 2

From Human Doing to Human Being – Part 2

Like Sisyphus eternally pushing the boulder up the hill, we can spend many moments busily trying to manage our life. This two-part talk explores how we can awaken from our non-stop doing, including the incessant inner narrative, and discover the mystery, love and...