Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:52 min.)

Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:52 min.)

Starting with scanning through the body and awakening the senses, we then rest in presence, with the breath as a home base. The meditation invites an openness to whatever arises, and a gentle kind attention if we encounter physical or emotional pain. We end with...
Meditation: Loving What Is (18:49 min.)

Meditation: Loving What Is (18:49 min.)

While we might not directly love what is, there is a pathway to this inner freedom. As we explore in this meditation, we begin with allowing the changing sensations and emotions to move through us, just as they are. As this allowing presence deepens, it becomes...
Meditation: Compassion Practice – Tonglen (23:39 min.)

Meditation: Compassion Practice – Tonglen (23:39 min.)

Our deepest wisdom and purest actions arise out of open-hearted presence. This meditation, a compassion practice or tonglen, is drawn from the Tibetan tradition and carries us home to the vastness of loving presence (re-mastered from the 2013 IMCW fall 7-day silent...
Meditation: RAIN of Self-Compassion (17:27 min.)

Meditation: RAIN of Self-Compassion (17:27 min.)

One of the great sufferings is turning on ourselves with judgment and/or self-aversion. This practice brings the acronym RAIN to this pain. It helps us cultivate a healing self-compassion, and the realization of who we are beyond any limiting story of...
Meditation: Suffering and Compassion (8:07 min.)

Meditation: Suffering and Compassion (8:07 min.)

This brief meditation is a version of the Tibetan Tonglen practice: With the support of the breath we allow ourselves to open to the realness of suffering, and then offer it into a boundless heartspace…a shared and compassionate awareness. This clip was recorded...
Meditation: Loving What Is (18:50 min.)

Meditation: Loving What Is (18:50 min.)

While we might not directly love what is, there is a pathway to this inner freedom. As we explore in this meditation, we begin with allowing the changing sensations and emotions to move through us, just as they are. As this allowing presence deepens, it becomes...
Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:55 min.)

Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:55 min.)

Starting with scanning through the body and awakening the senses, we then rest in presence, with the breath as a home base. The meditation invites an openness to whatever arises, and a gentle kind attention if we encounter physical or emotional pain. We end with a...
Meditation: Embodied Metta (19:36 min.)

Meditation: Embodied Metta (19:36 min.)

Lovingkindness becomes full when it is energetically experienced in our bodies. This meditation guides us in awakening the receptivity, warmth and openness of metta through our body, and then invites us to rest in the space of loving presence, as we open to whatever...
Meditation: Calling on Loving Presence (18:18 min)

Meditation: Calling on Loving Presence (18:18 min)

Often, when we’re really struggling, the only way to find compassion for ourselves is by reaching out to a larger source of love. We might for instance take refuge by calling on the Buddha, Divine Mother, God, Jesus, Great Spirit, Shiva, or Allah – reaching towards a...
Short Talk & Meditation: Tonglen – Radical Compassion (32:43 min)

Short Talk & Meditation: Tonglen – Radical Compassion (32:43 min)

We are conditioned to avoid suffering – our own and others. By pulling away, we also contract our heart and disconnect from our innate capacity for compassion. This short talk and meditation is a training in touching vulnerability, and discovering the boundless...
Meditation: Awakening Compassion with Tonglen (11:35 min)

Meditation: Awakening Compassion with Tonglen (11:35 min)

Our hearts awaken as we let ourselves be touched by the suffering within and around us. They shine as we respond with care to what has touched us. This meditation uses the breath to guide us in letting in and contacting suffering, and offering out our love. With...
Meditation: The RAIN of Compassion (34:54 min) (from retreat)

Meditation: The RAIN of Compassion (34:54 min) (from retreat)

This new version of the acronym RAIN is a powerful way of bringing compassion to the life within you, and to attuning and deepening compassion for others.  Given at the 2015 IMCW New Year’s retreat, it is a “guided heart” practice and includes...
Meditation: The RAIN of Self-Compassion (10:42 min)

Meditation: The RAIN of Self-Compassion (10:42 min)

This meditation is included at the end of the RAIN of Self-Compassion talk. This talk explores three key features of the trance of unworthiness and introduces this guided meditation based on the acronym RAIN that awakens self-compassion and de-conditions the suffering...