Tara Talks: I Am Not the Fear Body (6:08 min.)

Tara Talks: I Am Not the Fear Body (6:08 min.)

Unprocessed fear creates separation and keeps us from inhabiting the truth of our belonging. When we open to the body of fear with a gentle, mindful awareness, our sense of being enlarges. We realize that the fear is not who we are and rediscover our belonging to...
Tara Talks: I Am Not the Fear Body (6:08 min.)

Tara Talks: Healing the Fear Body, Healing the World (4:50 min.)

When we are contracted in the fear body, we cannot be touched by the world around us. We lose our sense of belonging to this moment, to each other, to the earth. When we find ourselves living in the body of fear, it is a call to deepen attention. What’s between me and...
Worrier Pose – Finding Freedom from the Body of Fear (retreat talk)

Worrier Pose – Finding Freedom from the Body of Fear (retreat talk)

While fear is a natural part of our make up, many of us suffering when the “on” button gets jammed. This talk looks at how our fears generate habitual patterns of physical tension, anxious thinking, emotions and behaviors; and how this constellation prevents us from...
Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 2

Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 2

While fear is a natural and intelligent emotion, when fear goes on overdrive, we are in a trance of fear that contracts our body, heart and mind. Our resistance to the direct experience of fear sustains the trance and leads to decisions and behaviors that harm...
Meditation: Transforming Fear (11:19 min.)

Meditation: Transforming Fear (11:19 min.)

This guided practice invites us to identify a situation where we habitually become anxious or fearful, and then to explore bringing mindfulness and self-compassion to where we feel most vulnerable. By engaging fear with an embodied and caring presence, we discover the...
Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 1

Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 1

While fear is a natural and intelligent emotion, when fear goes on overdrive, we are in a trance of fear that contracts our body, heart and mind. Our resistance to the direct experience of fear sustains the trance and leads to decisions and behaviors that harm...
Blog: Soul Recovery: Healing the Shame of Trauma

Blog: Soul Recovery: Healing the Shame of Trauma

In Shamanistic cultures, it is believed that when a person is traumatized, their soul leaves their body as a way to protect itself from intolerable pain. In a process known as Soul Retrieval, trusted community members surround the person with tremendous love and...
Healing Trauma: The Light Shines Through the Broken Places

Healing Trauma: The Light Shines Through the Broken Places

Transcript available here: Transcript: Healing Trauma – The Light Shines Through the Broken Places Most of us have encountered trauma either in our own direct experience or with someone in our immediate circle. This talk examines the shame and suffering that arise...
Part 2: Beyond the Fear Body

Part 2: Beyond the Fear Body

A central part of spiritual awakening is recognizing and befriending fear, and in the tender intensity of fear, discovering the awakened heart. In these two talks we explore the suffering of becoming identified with the fear body, and the skillful means that enable a...
Part 1: Beyond the Fear Body

Part 1: Beyond the Fear Body

A central part of spiritual awakening is recognizing and befriending fear, and in the tender intensity of fear, discovering the awakened heart. In these two talks we explore the suffering of becoming identified with the fear body, and the skillful means that enable a...
Freedom from Fear-Based Beliefs

Freedom from Fear-Based Beliefs

This talk looks at how we get imprisoned in fear based, limiting beliefs. We then explore key meditative steps that help release these veils and reveal the fullness and goodness of our essential being.

Tara Talks: I Am Not the Fear Body (6:08 min.)

Tara Talks: Catching Fear Thoughts (3:49 min. video)

Unless we recognize it, fear thinking can take over our lives. This brief talk points to the power of these thoughts, and the importance of cultivating mindfulness of them. Listen and watch the full talk: Part 1: Do You Pay Regular Visits.