Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence (19:12 min.)

Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence (19:12 min.)

Only in silence and presence do we realign with what matters to our hearts. This simple practice of arriving in an embodied awareness supports us in touching the grounds of true transformation and healing. It closes with a powerful poem by Gunilla Norris, “Sharing...
Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 1

Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 1

In the face of violence, hatred and loss, how do we handle the reactivity we feel? Our own anger, hatred and fear? These two talks offer guidance and practice in letting our own vulnerability be a portal to responding – to ourselves, each other and our world...
Meditation: A Present Heart (18:33 min.)

Meditation: A Present Heart (18:33 min.)

One translation of mindfulness, in Chinese, is “present heart.” In this guided meditation we begin by awakening through the body and the senses, and then open the attention to the changing flow of experience. The intention is to meet whatever arises with a wakeful and...
Meditation: RAIN of Self-Compassion (17:27 min.)

Meditation: RAIN of Self-Compassion (17:27 min.)

One of the great sufferings is turning on ourselves with judgment and/or self-aversion. This practice brings the acronym RAIN to this pain. It helps us cultivate a healing self-compassion, and the realization of who we are beyond any limiting story of...
“Good Othering” – Helping Each Other Trust the Gold

“Good Othering” – Helping Each Other Trust the Gold

One of the great gifts we can offer is being a mirror of goodness, reminding one another that we can trust our essential awareness, light and love. Because our conditioning is to fixate on flaws, “good othering” takes intention and practice. This talk explores how we...
Meditation: Coming Home to Heartspace (22:59 min.)

Meditation: Coming Home to Heartspace (22:59 min.)

Our pathway to our hearts is through presence. This meditation helps us awaken presence through our body and all our senses. We then open to the awareness that can meet whatever arises with tenderness and kindness. This meditation includes a reading from the Radiance...
Meditation: Yes to Our Moments (19:37 min.)

Meditation: Yes to Our Moments (19:37 min.)

When we open without resistance to the changing flow of aliveness, we discover the formless presence that is our true home. This meditation guides us through a body scan and then opening to all sounds, sensations and emotions with the energetic allowing of “Yes.” We...
Meditation: Embodied Love (21:56 min.)

Meditation: Embodied Love (21:56 min.)

This meditation guides us through a scan, to awaken a healing and openhearted presence throughout our body. We then widen to our full field of awareness, including whatever wants attention in an open, inclusive loving presence. “Kindness is my simple religion....
Meditation: Yes to Life (19:53 min.)

Meditation: Yes to Life (19:53 min.)

After relaxing our bodies and quieting our minds, this meditation guides us to open to the changing experience of being alive. We ask ourselves two questions: “What is Happening Inside me?” and “Can I be with this?” By learning to bring an unconditional presence and...
Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence (19:34 min.)

Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence (19:34 min.)

This meditation guides us to rest in the aliveness of the changing stream of sensations, sounds and feelings. As we open to the awareness that includes all life, we touch the peace, stillness and wakefulness that is our essence. We close with Wendell Berry’s beautiful...
Meditation: Refuge in Presence (22:10 min.)

Meditation: Refuge in Presence (22:10 min.)

The movement from virtual reality – thoughts – to the awareness of sense-based reality is true homecoming. This meditation guides us in awakening our senses, and returning again and again to the freedom of embodied presence. We close with part of a poem “Come...
Meditation: Loving What Is (18:50 min.)

Meditation: Loving What Is (18:50 min.)

While we might not directly love what is, there is a pathway to this inner freedom. As we explore in this meditation, we begin with allowing the changing sensations and emotions to move through us, just as they are. As this allowing presence deepens, it becomes...