Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (21:28 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (21:28 min.)

When we are in our daily trance, we are often leaning forward, on our way somewhere else. In this meditation we are guided to relax back into the awareness that is always, already here. We explore relaxing back through a body scan, and then with all our senses wide...
Transforming Your Relationship with Anxiety

Transforming Your Relationship with Anxiety

Strong anxiety frequently triggers fight-flight-freeze, our survival brain’s strategy for dealing with threats. This can become a trance that dominates our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and deepest experience of who we are. This talk explores how we get caught in...
Worrier Pose: Finding Freedom from the Body of Fear (retreat talk)

Worrier Pose: Finding Freedom from the Body of Fear (retreat talk)

While fear is a natural part of our make up, many of us suffering when the “on” button gets jammed. This talk looks at how our fears generate habitual patterns of physical tension, anxious thinking, emotions and behaviors; and how this constellation prevents us from...
Meditation: Listening to our Life (17:54 min.)

Meditation: Listening to our Life (17:54 min.)

A receptive listening attention brings intimacy with our inner experience and our world. This meditation guides us in listening to sounds, states of mind, sensations and the deepest aspiration of our...
Learning to Respond, Not React

Learning to Respond, Not React

When stressed, we often react with looping fear-thoughts, feelings and behaviors that cause harm to ourselves and/or others. This talk offers three interrelated strategies that can serve us when we’re triggered by stress, and help us find our way back to our natural...
Meditation: Waking up from the Dream (16:56 min.)

Meditation: Waking up from the Dream (16:56 min.)

We spend many life moments in a virtual reality of thoughts. This guided practice helps us reconnect with our senses and discover in the space between thoughts the light of awareness, the mystery of what we...
Radical Love: Part 1 – Reflections that Awaken our Heart

Radical Love: Part 1 – Reflections that Awaken our Heart

Radical love arises from the purity of our awake awareness, and cuts through the delusion of being separate and not OK.  It comes from and brings out our intrinsic goodness.  These talks explore the barriers to this embodied, inclusive and active loving, and...
Your Awake Heart is Calling You

Your Awake Heart is Calling You

As individuals and societies, we are pulled by both the insecurity of our evolutionary past, and by our awake heart, our capacity for mindfulness and compassion. This talk explores the ways we can listen to and respond to the call of our awake heart, by training...
Meditation: Gateway to Natural Presence (17:18 min.)

Meditation: Gateway to Natural Presence (17:18 min.)

We enter a full presence through awakening our senses, and awakening to the awareness that is aware. This meditation guides us as we arouse an embodied presence, let go of any controlling, then discover the natural spaciousness and wakefulness that is the essence of...
Love and Fear During Times of War: An Interview with Lama Rod Owens

Love and Fear During Times of War: An Interview with Lama Rod Owens

The world is having a difficult moment. Each day we learn of a different conflict or crisis, which threatens the lives of so may people. It is easy to live with a lot of fear right now and it is even easier to react out of that fear was well. When we react out of fear...
The Sacred Art of Listening

The Sacred Art of Listening

Just as presence is the heart of meditation, so deep listening is at the center of all conscious, loving relationships. This talk explores how our wants and fears block listening, ways we can deepen our capacity for listening, and the healing that unfolds when we...
Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness (18:22 min.)

Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness (18:22 min.)

This meditation begins by guiding us through a scan: opening to inner space and aliveness, then to outer space, and then continuous space, filled with the light of awareness. We explore how every experience belongs to this infinite awake space of our Being, and can be...
The Heart Crosses the Abyss – Three Inner Trainings

The Heart Crosses the Abyss – Three Inner Trainings

In the moments when we either resist or get possessed by our strong emotions, we are in a trance, and cut off from openhearted awareness. This talk explores the truth that “it’s not what’s happening, it’s how we’re relating.” We look at three key trainings that help...
Shame, Healing and Transformation

Shame, Healing and Transformation

Being at war with ourselves blocks us from evolving our consciousness and living from our hearts. This talk distinguishes between toxic and healthy shame, as well as shame about our individual self and our group identity. We explore how, with self-compassion and...
Meditation: Healing Shame with RAIN (12:59 min.)

Meditation: Healing Shame with RAIN (12:59 min.)

This meditation brings the clarity and self-compassion of RAIN to the suffering of self-aversion and/or shame. It helps us see the conditioning that shaped what we judge about ourselves, and helps us remember who we are beyond our habitual and painful self-narrative....