The Superpower of Mindful Witnessing

The Superpower of Mindful Witnessing

The capacity to witness what is happening inside us with a non-judging attention allows us to respond to life from our full intelligence and heart. This talk looks at the role of witnessing in spiritual practice, and how we can cultivate this superpower in a way that...
Awakening Our Body’s Awareness – Part 1

Awakening Our Body’s Awareness – Part 1

Mindful awareness of our bodies is a portal to full aliveness, wisdom and love. These two classes will explore the trance that takes us away from our body, the pathways home, ways of working with pain, and the gifts of an embodied presence. “Inside this clay jug there...
Meditation: Sacred Presence (20:13 min.)

Meditation: Sacred Presence (20:13 min.)

This meditation guides us to wakefully relax with the changing flow of moment to moment experience. As we open our senses fully, we discover the sacred living presence that is our very essence. … The poet Rumi says, “Do you make regular visits to yourself?”So...
Spiritual Hope

Spiritual Hope

Spiritual hope opens us to possibility and energizes us to manifest our potential for love and wisdom. In contrast to attachment or egoic hope, which is the grasping for what will benefit a separate self, spiritual hope arises from trust in the openhearted awareness...
Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 2

Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 2

In the face of violence, hatred and loss, how do we handle the reactivity we feel? Our own anger, hatred and fear? These two talks offer guidance and practice in letting our own vulnerability be a portal to responding—to ourselves, each other and our world– with...
Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 1

Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 1

In the face of violence, hatred and loss, how do we handle the reactivity we feel? Our own anger, hatred and fear? These two talks offer guidance and practice in letting our own vulnerability be a portal to responding – to ourselves, each other and our world...
The Three Refuges – Gateways to Awakening

The Three Refuges – Gateways to Awakening

We all seek refuge, a sense of safety or homecoming amidst the uncertainties of life. Our way of finding refuge can either imprison or free us. This talk explores the false refuges that entrap us in feeling separate and endangered, and the refuges of Awareness...
Meditation: Uprooting Limiting Beliefs with RAIN (9:21 min.)

Meditation: Uprooting Limiting Beliefs with RAIN (9:21 min.)

This short meditation guides us in using RAIN (recognize-allow-investigate-nurture) when we discover we are caught in a limiting belief (an excerpt from the full talk, Freedom from the Prison of Limiting Beliefs, given on 2020-09-23). Ask, what am I believing about...
Repairing our Hearts – Healing with the RAIN of Compassion

Repairing our Hearts – Healing with the RAIN of Compassion

Living in a fear-based society fuels the trance of separation and unworthiness. This talk explores how we can bring an engaged compassionate presence to the suffering of this trance—in our inner work, and more broadly, in healing our culture (from the 2020 IMCW 7-day...
“Good Othering” – Helping Each Other Trust the Gold

“Good Othering” – Helping Each Other Trust the Gold

One of the great gifts we can offer is being a mirror of goodness, reminding one another that we can trust our essential awareness, light and love. Because our conditioning is to fixate on flaws, “good othering” takes intention and practice. This talk explores how we...
Heart to Heart: A Conversation Between Dan Gottlieb and Tara Brach

Heart to Heart: A Conversation Between Dan Gottlieb and Tara Brach

Heart-to-Heart A Conversation between Dan Gottlieb and Tara Brach: Pain, Loneliness, Gratitude & Whatever Else Comes Up – Including Love This very real and human interchange touches on pain, loss, love, gratitude and much more. Dr. Dan Gottlieb is a...
Remembering Our Belonging – Part 2

Remembering Our Belonging – Part 2

Our deepest suffering comes from feelings of separation, and as a species, our great task is realizing our belonging—to our bodies and hearts, to each other, to the living web of all beings, to formless loving awareness. These two talks explore how healing and true...
Remembering Our Belonging – Part 1

Remembering Our Belonging – Part 1

Our deepest suffering comes from feelings of separation, and as a species, our great task is realizing our belonging—to our bodies and hearts, to each other, to the living web of all beings, to formless loving awareness. These two talks explore how healing and true...
Authentic Thanks Giving

Authentic Thanks Giving

How do we awaken our natural capacities for gratitude and generosity? This talk explores the pathways of honest presence and purposeful cultivation, and offers several reflections that guide us in contacting and expressing our love (a favorite Thanksgiving talk...