Meditation: Relaxing Back into Living Presence (18:55 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Living Presence (18:55 min.)

When we are lost in thoughts our mind contracts, our body tightens and we disconnect from true openheartedness. The pathway home is through “relaxing back” and reopening our attention to our senses, relaxing through our body, and gently contacting the felt sense in...
Meditation: Awakening Compassion (11:35 min)

Meditation: Awakening Compassion (11:35 min)

Meditation: Awakening Compassion with Tonglen ~ Our hearts awaken as we let ourselves be touched by the suffering within and around us. They shine as we respond with care to what has touched us. This meditation uses the breath to guide us in letting in and contacting...
Meditation: The RAIN of Self-Compassion (10:42 min)

Meditation: The RAIN of Self-Compassion (10:42 min)

This meditation is included at the end of the RAIN of Self-Compassion talk. This talk explores three key features of the trance of unworthiness and introduces this guided meditation based on the acronym RAIN that awakens self-compassion and de-conditions the suffering...
Introduction to the Heart Practices (35:55 min)

Introduction to the Heart Practices (35:55 min)

Instructions on the heart practices from the IMCW 2012 Spring Retreat – a guided lovingkindness or “metta” meditation to open the heart, call on love, and come home to presence follows.