RAIN on Blame: A Guided Meditation (14:40 min.)

RAIN on Blame: A Guided Meditation (14:40 min.)

When we are stuck in blame or resentment we are in a trance – the other person becomes an unreal bad other, and our own sense of being contracts into a victimized self, an angry self, a righteous self. Using the acronym RAIN, this practice guides us in bringing...
Tara Talks – Reflection: Healing Self-Blame

Tara Talks – Reflection: Healing Self-Blame

When we are stuck in blaming, disliking or hating ourselves, we are unable to love our world. In this guided reflection we’ll explore using the acronym RAIN (recognize-allow-investigate-nurture) to begin releasing the armoring of blame and relating to our inner life...
Meditation: RAIN on Self-Blame (9:45 min.)

Meditation: RAIN on Self-Blame (9:45 min.)

One of the greatest roots of suffering is being at war with ourselves. This meditation, based on the acronym RAIN (recognize-allow-investigate-nurture), guides us in releasing the armoring of blame, and relating to our inner life with greater understanding and...
Meditation: A Practice of RAIN (20:00 min.)

Meditation: A Practice of RAIN (20:00 min.)

The acronym RAIN – Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture – guides us in bringing mindfulness and compassion to difficult emotions. With practice, we can find our way home to open-hearted presence in the midst of whatever arises. “Don’t turn...
RAIN Partners Co-Meditation: Audio Guided Session (33:45 min.)

RAIN Partners Co-Meditation: Audio Guided Session (33:45 min.)

What Are RAIN Partners? RAIN – Recognize-Allow-Investigate-Nurture, the process of bringing mindfulness and compassion to difficult emotions, can be practiced with another person in a way that is deeply healing. RAIN partners agree to practice together on a regular...
After the RAIN (retreat talk)

After the RAIN (retreat talk)

This talk offers an in-depth exploration of RAIN, applying the wings of mindfulness and compassion to painful domains of trance. We bring special attention to the fruit of RAIN, the realization of who we are beyond any limiting identity. This talk was given at the...
Meditating with RAIN (11:43 min.)

Meditating with RAIN (11:43 min.)

This guided practice applies mindfulness and self-compassion to challenging emotions. It is based on the acronym RAIN, and provides a four step practice that is accessible and effective, even at those times when mindfulness is most difficult to remember. The acronym...
Dissolving Trance with RAIN

Dissolving Trance with RAIN

One of the pervasive expressions of trance is identifying with a limited and separate sense of self.  This talk contrasts the self-trance to our intrinsically open, awake and loving awareness. We then explore how the mindfulness and self-compassion in the RAIN...
Meditation Instructions – RAIN and Question-Response (14:23 min)

Meditation Instructions – RAIN and Question-Response (14:23 min)

Tara gives morning instruction on retreat including RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nourish), then responds to questions from retreatants. Includes a question on resourcing when working with trauma. Recorded at the 2016 IMCW Women’s Retreat. • More...
The RAIN of Forgiveness

The RAIN of Forgiveness

The capacity to release the armoring of hatred and blame is intrinsic to our evolving consciousness.  This talk explores the process of authentic forgiveness, and how we can use the mindfulness-based tool of RAIN to heal and free our hearts. • More Resources on...
Reflection: RAIN – A Guide for Embodied Presence (8:13)

Reflection: RAIN – A Guide for Embodied Presence (8:13)

We have deep conditioning to disconnect from our body’s awareness and, in so doing, leave the site of our creativity, love and vitality. This short meditation uses the acronym RAIN as a guide in re-inhabiting our bodies and our full aliveness. Listen to the full talk:...
Reflection: RAIN – Entering the Wilderness (10:10 min)

Reflection: RAIN – Entering the Wilderness (10:10 min)

This short reflection, guided by the acronym RAIN, engages mindfulness and compassion as we open to life that we’ve been pushing away. By including unlived life, we reconnect with the fullness of our being, with vibrant, loving awareness. NOTE: from the end of the...
Blog: RAIN de la Auto-Compasión

Blog: RAIN de la Auto-Compasión

• Ver o descargar la versión PDF Nota: La palabra RAIN en inglés es LLUVIA. Sin embargo, hemos decidido usar RAIN en esta traducción para conservar el acrónimo o sigla. Cuando estaba en la universidad, me fui a las montañas por un fin de semana de excursión con una...