The Two Versions of the Acronym RAIN:
There have been two primary forms of the RAIN acronym circulating in the meditation spheres, and we would like to clarify between the original and more recently evolved versions.
Original version of RAIN (first coined by Michele McDonald, a senior Buddhist teacher):
Recognize what is happening (roots of understanding)
Allow life to be just as it is (grounds of love)
Investigate with kindness (deepens understanding and care)
Non-Identification (realizing freedom from narrow identity)
Tara’s version of RAIN:
Recognize what is happening (roots of understanding)
Allow life to be just as it is (grounds of love)
Investigate with gentle attention (deepens understanding)
Nurture (awakens love)
After the RAIN (realizing freedom from narrow identity)
In the original version, the I-Investigate, included an attitude of care, but many have found that the RAIN process is more transformative when N-Nurture is intentionally engaged as a full step on its own.
The essence of a healing attention is understanding and love. In the more recently evolved version of RAIN above, each of these qualities is directly cultivated.
You might wonder how the Non-Identification step from the original version fits into the new version. When you’ve completed the active steps of RAIN, it’s important to simply notice your own presence and rest in that wakeful, tender space of awareness. In the same way that the earth blossoms following a spring shower, after RAIN, realization naturally arises as to our true nature. We are no longer identified with passing states like fear or anger; we are free to inhabit the wholeness of our Being.