Resources: Self-Compassion and Compassion for Others

Self-Compassion and Compassion for Others

In Buddhist teachings, compassion is described as a “quivering of the heart” in response to suffering. Compassion awakens as we allow ourselves to be touched by our shared vulnerability – our own, or that of another. It’s the medicine we most need to bring healing to our world.

The resources below explore ways we can cultivate self-compassion and compassion for others:

Talks on Compassion

The Wise Heart of Radical Acceptance

The Wise Heart of Radical Acceptance

When we are caught in self-judgment we forget the truth of who we are - our wholeness, awareness and love. This talk examines how we take the imperfect waves of our being...

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Compassion for All Living Beings

Compassion for All Living Beings

We often talk of widening the circles of compassion. This talk explores the qualities of mature compassion, what blocks us from this embodied and inclusive caring, and how each...

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Our Refuge of Heartspace

Our Refuge of Heartspace

Amidst the great emotional reactivity of our times, this talk looks at: How do we hold this? What will allow us to respond wisely to our hurting world? How can we widen the...

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Your Awake Heart is Calling You

Your Awake Heart is Calling You

As individuals and societies, we are pulled by both the insecurity of our evolutionary past, and by our awake heart, our capacity for mindfulness and compassion. This talk...

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Meditations on Compassion

Other Resources on Compassion

Blog: The RAIN of Self-Compassion

Blog: The RAIN of Self-Compassion

The RAIN of Self-Compassion View or download the PDF version Link to talk: The RAIN of Self-Compassion Link to Meditation: The RAIN of Self-Compassion Translations: تأمل مطر من...

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Blog: Reaching Out For Compassion

Blog: Reaching Out For Compassion

At a weekend workshop I led, one of the participants, Marian, shared her story about the shame and guilt that had tortured her. Marian’s daughter, Christy, in recovery for...

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