Resources: Intention and Prayer
One of the most powerful spiritual practices in the world is to reflect on your heart’s deepest intention. These resources look at the way that ego-based intentions perpetuate thoughts, feelings and actions that keep us imprisoned in feeling separate and limited. In contrast, remembering our deeper intentions calls us home to the freedom of our true nature.
Talks on Intention and Prayer
The Honesty Challenge – Getting More Truthful with Ourselves and Our World
Most of us value honesty yet are not aware of how regularly we avoid facing what’s difficult inside us, and how we are less than truthful with others. This talk explores the...
Conscious Prayer – Finding Refuge in Loving Awareness (retreat talk)
Prayer is a communing with our enlarged being. This talk examines less conscious forms of prayer, and how we can evolve the power of our prayers by opening into the depth of our...
Realizing Your Deepest Intention
The Buddha taught that this whole life - including our thoughts, feelings and actions - arise from the tip of intention. While our intentions are usually marbled with wanting and...
The Liberating Power of Conscious Intention – Part 2
The Liberating Power of Conscious Intention – Part 2 While we can’t change our past, we have the capacity in this moment to remember our deepest intention and seed the future....
The Liberating Power of Conscious Intention – Part 1
The Liberating Power of Conscious Intention – Part 1 While we can’t change our past, we have the capacity in this moment to remember our deepest intention and seed the future....
Compass of Our Heart
All of our actions, our entire life experience, arises from the energy of intention. While it’s natural that our intentions are shaped by egoic wants and fears, when we bring...
The Power of Spiritual Hope
The openness to possibility is essential on a path of awakening and freedom. In this talk we explore what makes up mature or spiritual hope, and how two meditation practices of...
Shifting from Limbic to Liberating Intention
Becoming conscious of our intentions is the first step to truly aligning our life with our heart. This talk explores identifying when we are being driven by grasping and fear,...
Three Dimensions of Conscious Prayer
Prayer can be a creative, vibrant and infinitely tender part of our spiritual awakening. This talk explores the dimensions of embodied presence, sincere expression and silence...
Spiritual Hope
Spiritual hope opens us to possibility and energizes us to manifest our potential for love and wisdom. In contrast to attachment or egoic hope, which is the grasping for what...
Meditations on Intention and Prayer
Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:52 min.)
Starting with scanning through the body and awakening the senses, we then rest in presence, with the breath as a home base. The meditation invites an openness to whatever arises,...
Blog ~ Meditation: What is Your Deepest Longing?
Meditation: What is Your Deepest Longing? Download text in PDF - Find a comfortable way of sitting, and allow yourself to relax and be at ease. With a receptive presence, become...
Meditation: Realizing Your Aspiration (9:43 min.)
Meditation: Realizing Your Aspiration (9:43 min.) - Beyond any meditation technique, what energizes and guides our spiritual life is aspiration. This reflection can help deepen...
Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:55 min.)
Starting with scanning through the body and awakening the senses, we then rest in presence, with the breath as a home base. The meditation invites an openness to whatever arises,...
Meditation: Calling on Our Inner Bodhisattva (21:12 min.)
We each have within us the very source of wisdom and love. This meditation calls forward that essence, our awakening heart, so we can seek guidance and nurturing for the parts of...
Meditation: Calling on Loving Presence (18:18 min)
Often, when we’re really struggling, the only way to find compassion for ourselves is by reaching out to a larger source of love. We might for instance take refuge by calling on...
Meditation: On Intention – What Does Your Heart Most Long For? (22:57 min.)
Other Resources on Intention and Prayer
Blog: Being a Mirror of Goodness: An Intention for the New Year
Blog: Being a Mirror of Goodness: An Intention for the New Year Adapted from: Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAINTara Brach,...
Blog: The Transforming Power of Mindful Prayer
Although not always highlighted in the West, prayer and devotion are a living stream in Buddhism. The earnest wishes expressed in the practices of lovingkindness and...
Blog: Prayer in the Face of Difficulty
Ask the friend for love Ask him again For I have found that every heart Will get what it prays for most. Hafiz When offered with presence and sincerity, the practice of prayer...
Blog: Praying from Presence – Part 2
This is Part II of a two-part series. To read Part 1 - click here When we are suffering and turn to prayer, no matter what the apparent reasons for our pain, the basic cause is...
Blog: Praying from Presence – Part I
In moments of desperation, no matter what we believe, we all tend to reach out in prayer to something or someone for help. We might call out for relief from a migraine, beg to...