Resources: Gratitude and Generosity

Gratitude is like breathing in – letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out – sensing our mutual belonging and offering our care. When we are awake and whole, breathing in and out happens naturally. But these beautiful expressions of our heart become blocked when we are dominated by the fear and grasping of our survival brain.
These talks and meditations are offered to help explore how we can facilitate the evolution of consciousness with the deliberate cultivation of gratitude and generosity.
Talks on Gratitude and Generosity

Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship
Gratitude arises when we are in sacred relationship with life—present, open and receptive. This talk explores how central gratitude is to our physical, emotional and spiritual...

A Generous Heart
Our deep potential is to live from an awake, loving heart. This talk looks at how, with a kind and mindful attention, we can decondition habitual tendencies toward grasping and...

A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart
Gratitude is like breathing in - letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out - sensing our mutual belonging and...

Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship
Gratitude arises when we are in sacred relationship with life—present, open and receptive. This talk explores how central gratitude is to our physical, emotional and spiritual...

Heart to Heart: A Conversation Between Dan Gottlieb and Tara Brach
Heart-to-Heart A Conversation between Dan Gottlieb and Tara Brach: Pain, Loneliness, Gratitude & Whatever Else Comes Up – Including Love This very real and human...

Authentic Thanks Giving
How do we awaken our natural capacities for gratitude and generosity? This talk explores the pathways of honest presence and purposeful cultivation, and offers several...

Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship
Gratitude arises when we are in sacred relationship with life—present, open and receptive. This talk explores how central gratitude is to our physical, emotional and spiritual...

Authentic Thanks Giving
CC ~ How do we awaken our natural capacities for gratitude and generosity? This talk explores the pathways of honest presence and purposeful cultivation, and offers several...

Tara Talks – Reflection: Installing a Beneficial Mind-State (6:53 min.)
What state of heart or mind do you wish you could experience more regularly? Is it peace? Gratitude? Love? You can apply your meditation to transform passing states into enduring...

A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart
Gratitude is like breathing in - letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out - sensing our mutual belonging and...
Meditations on Gratitude and Generosity

Meditation: The Heartspace of Gratitude (18:30 min.)
When gratitude for our life arises, we enter the sacred space of an open heart. This meditation guides us in arriving in presence and awakening the blessings of gratitude. Hello,...
Other Resources on Gratitude and Generosity

Transcript ~ Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship
~ A Talk Given by Tara Brach, on November 29, 2019 - Gratitude arises when we are in sacred relationship with life—present, open and receptive. This talk explores how central...