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Longing to Belong: Bringing Presence through the Three Refuges

Jul 31, 2019

Spiritual practice reveals our belonging through bringing presence to three gateways: the aliveness of the present moment, loving relatedness, and the openness and lucidity of awareness itself. This talk includes guided meditations in exploring each gateway. It ends with the community chanting of Om, a mantra of connectedness, an expression of belonging (a very special talk from the 2009 archives reflecting on the “Three Refuges”).

Holiness that Pervades this Universe

Oh Holiest of all Holy’s
I pray for the molecules of me
To be reconstituted new, inseparably part of you
Part of this wholeness, this awareness
I pray to radiate at the same wave length as the beating of your heart
To see as you see
To hear with your ears
To feel the texture of trust as you do
May I dissolve into you
Free at last to know
All my words, thoughts and actions as arising from praise or longing
May I know my essential being as awareness and love.

~ from “Ann” – full source unknown

NOTE: talk includes the poem, “She Dreamed of Cows” by Norah Pollard.


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