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Meditation: Opening to the Waves (20:19 min.)

Jun 27, 2018

When we are lost in thought, we lose touch with the aliveness and awareness that is always here. This meditation guides us with a mindful body scan to open to our senses, then to sound and all waves of aliveness. From that open presence we end with a loving kindness prayer.

“You might scan and sense if there’s anything in your life, in your heart right now, that’s calling for some kindness. You might experiment a bit by gently putting your hand on your heart and if something comes to mind, offering some message, some energy of care, inwardly. It might be a quality of forgiveness, or in some way trusting yourself, or just letting whatever’s there know it belongs. Then sensing how you carry the world in your heart and if there’s some particular part of this world calling for your kindness right now, let that be right in the center of your attention. Those that are suffering… those that most need our attention… and sense that the touch of your hand on your heart is really touching all of their hearts. Taking these last few moments to offer your prayer of care:

May all beings be free from harm.
May all beings be held in loving presence…
Filled with loving presence.
May all beings touch great and natural peace.
May all beings be free.


photo: Elaine Hunter –


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