Your RAIN Story

Dear Friend – I’m on the lookout for stories that illustrate how you have personally experienced the value of using RAIN in the midst of difficulty. I’d potentially be including parts or all of the story in a book, and also possibly in my talks.

I’d greatly appreciate any anecdotes you might share, or any way that you can help me by spreading the word to others.

For reference, here’s a brief list of the RAIN steps and a link to a full review of RAIN:

Recognize what is going on;
Allow the experience to be there, just as it is;
Investigate with interest and care;
Nourish with self-compassion.

Please submit your offering on the below form, and ideally keep the story under 200 words (one or two paragraphs). To protect your privacy, only your first name and initial of last name will appear if it is used in the book. If I share the story in a talk, it will be shared anonymously.

Again, much appreciation for your willingness, I’m eager to read what you’ve offered!

With loving blessings,


I want to share a RAIN story with Tara!

By submitting it here, I grant my permission for Tara to use it freely in written & oral teachings, and to edit it where necessary for brevity (although I’ll try to keep this story under 200 words!).

RAIN Questionnaire

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Please limit to about 200 words.
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