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Forgiveness: Releasing Ourselves and Others from Aversive Blame – Part 2

May 1, 2019

Rumi invites us to find the barriers we’ve erected against love, and a universal one is blame. These three talks are an invitation to relax those barriers, and to open our hearts to our inner life and to all beings. Part I focuses on chronic self-judgment; Part 2 on the places of deep self-condemnation, and Part 3 on where we have locked into anger, blame or hatred of others. Each includes guided reflections that can support us in directly awakening beyond the confining thoughts and feelings of blame.

My beloved child, break your heart no longer.
Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart;
you stop feeding on the love which is the well-spring of your vitality.
The time is come. Your time to see, to celebrate, to live, to trust the goodness that you are.
Let no one, no thing, no idea or ideal obstruct you.
And if one comes, even the name of truth, forgive it for its unknowing.
Do not fight. Stop the war and let go.
And breathe into the goodness that you are.
~ Bapu-ji

Listen to Part 1 here: Forgiveness: Releasing Ourselves and Others from Aversive Blame – Part 1


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