Satsang/Live Q&A with Tara (Online)
Satsang/Live Q&A with Tara (Online)
Satsang means exploring and realizing truth in the gathering of spiritual friends. The word comes from Sanskrit – “sat” means truth – and “sangha” is community or company of spiritual friends.

In this special time together, Tara will lead a short guided meditation, and then open to questions from those in attendance. The meeting is held via Zoom and supported by your donations. A minimum donation of $5.00 is suggested
This event will be recorded, and the link to the recording will be e-mailed to all participants after editing, which will be 5-7 days following the live class. You must remain subscribed to our email list in order for us to get the link to you.
**Please note that space is limited.
**When you register for this event, you acknowledge that this session will be recorded and may be used for future projects and that the event organizer retains all rights and permissions to use, distribute and promote these recordings.
**When you register for this event, you will be added to Tara’s mailing list, where you will receive updates on her schedule and appearances, along with free, helpful resources to guide you on the path. If you do not wish to receive these emails, we will include an “unsubscribe” link with each mailing, but invite you to continue to enjoy all that is available at