Results for "breathing meditation"

Meditation: Awake and Alive (18:04 min.)

Meditation: Awake and Alive (18:04 min.)

…including other beings in this world. Holding the world in your heart and sensing your prayer of care for all beings. ~ Tara (from the meditation) Photo: Gary Hillesland…

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Meditation: Yes to Life (18:48 min.)

Meditation: Yes to Life (18:48 min.)

In the moments we release all resistance, we relax open to inhabit the fullness of our Being. This meditation guides us to an embodied, openhearted presence that welcomes the changing…

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Meditation for Fertility (11:13 min.)

Meditation for Fertility (11:13 min.)

…prayer. Then this meditation guides us to awaken our bodies, open our hearts, and become a healthy channel for this living universe…receptive and loving toward whatever might unfold through us….

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Meditation with Tara Brach