Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence (15 min) – This meditation guides us to awaken to sensation using the image of a smile and scanning through the body….
Results for "breathing meditation"
Méditation: Arriver chez Nous, Ici, avec la Respiration (16:07 min.)
…avec une courte bénédiction. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath…
Talks and Meditations from Retreats
…talks, guided meditations, and question/answer – Q/A – periods recorded during Tara’s 5- and 7-day residential retreats. Talks from Retreats Meditations from Retreats Short Talks, Instructions and QA’s from Retreats…
Meditation: Vipassana (Insight or Mindfulness) (16:58 min)
Meditation: Vipassana (Insight or Mindfulness) – A gift of meditation is learning to open to life just how it is, with awake awareness. This meditation guides us in establishing an…
Meditation: Listening to Life (18:27 min)
Meditation: Listening to Life – The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds,…
Méditation: Médecine de Coeur pour l’anxiété (12:23 min)
Méditation guidée: Médecine de Coeur pour l’anxiété (12:23 min) – Lorsque nous sommes en proie à l’anxiété, nous avons besoin d’un chemin pour retourner vers notre paix intérieure. Cette méditation…
Ten-Minute Basic Meditation (10 min.)
…the first morning instructions at the fall 2015 Insight Meditation Community of Washington 7-day silent retreat (a favorite from the archives). In French: Pratique de méditation de base de 10…
Meditation: Être Un Témoin Bienveillant
…méditation nous guide à devenir le témoin de notre expérience avec une conscience bienveillante et sans jugement. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa…
Guided Meditation: Listening to Life (25:44 min.)
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations,…
Méditation : Présence à cœur ouvert (19:18 min)
…tendre. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). Pour écouter d’autres méditations en français, cliquez ici. Listen in…
Meditation: The “Do No Harm and Take No S***” Practice, by Guest Elizabeth Lesser (18:13 min.)
This practice – based on an ancient Buddhist meditation – bears the name of needlepoint I found in my sister’s office after she died. She was a nurse, and as…
Méditation: Détendue le jour, et dormir la nuit venue- trouver le calme et l’aisance en soi (15:06 min.)
…attention détendu qui nous mène à un sommeil réparateur. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation:…
Méditation: Le Lâcher-prise (19:58 min.)
…et à l’intégrité de l’être qu’il entraine. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation: Letting Go…
Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence (15:19 min)
Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence (15 min) – This meditation guides us to awaken to sensation using the image of a smile and scanning through the body….
Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice
…of clear recognition and an allowing non-judgmental presence. Listen and watch Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice Listen and watch Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice (below)…
Meditation: Resting in Wakeful Presence (19:09 min.)
Meditation: Resting in Wakeful Presence – This meditation scans through the body – arriving in the foreground with sounds, feelings and sensations, like the surface waves of the sea coming…
Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice
…of clear recognition and an allowing non-judgmental presence. Listen and watch Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice Listen and watch Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice (below)…
Meditation: Awareness is Our Home (21:45 min.)
…When the mind drifts, the return is a relaxing back to our senses, and to the sea of awareness that includes and experiences the waves of life. From the meditation…
Guided Meditation: Resting in Wakeful Presence
Meditation: Resting in Wakeful Presence – Offering a meditation that scans through the body – arriving in the foreground with sounds, feelings and sensations, like the surface waves of the…
Meditation: Listening to and Feeling Our Life (17:56 min)
Guided Meditation – Listening to and Feeling Our Life Listening to sounds is a powerful way to quiet the thinking mind and connect with the natural openness of awareness. This…