Talks: Reflections on the Path

From Head to Heart

From Head to Heart

If we are suffering, we are believing an interpretation of reality that is limiting and untrue. At these times we are imprisoned in a painful looping of fear-driven thoughts and feelings. This talk explores the ways our practices of mindfulness, compassion and loving presence...

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Namaste: Seeing the Truth of Who We Are

Namaste: Seeing the Truth of Who We Are

A gift of evolving consciousness is the capacity to recognize and honor the sacred awareness that lives through our own and all beings. This capacity is blocked by our identification with our “mask” or ego self, and not seeing past other people’s masks. In this talk we reflect...

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Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk)

Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk)

The sign of spiritual freedom is a deep trust in our essential nature, and in the light of awareness that lives through all beings.  This talk explores the conditioning that entraps us in a trance of separation and believing in a limited self.  We then explore the...

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Awakening Our Body’s Awareness – Part 1

Awakening Our Body’s Awareness – Part 1

CC ~ Mindful awareness of our bodies is a portal to full aliveness, wisdom and love. These two classes will explore the trance that takes us away from our body, the pathways home, ways of working with pain, and the gifts of an embodied presence. “Inside this clay jug there are...

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Winds of Homecoming: How Intention Frees Our Heart

Winds of Homecoming: How Intention Frees Our Heart

The Buddha taught that we live our lives on the tip of intention, it is the seed of our future. This talk explores the difference between “limbic” intentions driven by grasping or fear, and intentions that are the call of our awakening heart. You will learn how to identify and...

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Three Gateways to Peace and Freedom

Three Gateways to Peace and Freedom

Three Gateways to Peace and Freedom ~ This talk explores the three archetypal refuges of truth, love and awareness. We look at the outer and inner aspects of each refuge, and then through guided reflections and a Refuge Ritual, deepen our commitment to the pathways that awaken...

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Remembering and Choosing Loving Presence (retreat talk)

Remembering and Choosing Loving Presence (retreat talk)

We are conditioned to go into a limbic trance—an emotional reactivity to life within and around us—that keeps us identified with a limited, separate sense of self. This talk helps us to identify the flags of trance, and to bring a healing attention that frees us to live our...

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My Religion is Kindness – Part 2

My Religion is Kindness – Part 2

Authentic kindness must include the life within us. These two talks examine the movement from an armored to a free and loving heart. The first looks at how we can awaken from the trance of unworthiness and establish a genuinely caring relationship with our inner life. In the...

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My Religion is Kindness – Part 1

My Religion is Kindness – Part 1

My Religion is Kindness - Part 1 ~ Authentic kindness must include the life within us. These two talks examine the movement from an armored to a free and loving heart. The first looks at how we can awaken from the trance of unworthiness and establish a genuinely caring...

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Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 2

Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 2

While fear is a natural and intelligent emotion, when fear goes on overdrive, we are in a trance of fear that contracts our body, heart and mind. Our resistance to the direct experience of fear sustains the trance and leads to decisions and behaviors that harm ourselves and...

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Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 1

Awakening from the Trance of Fear – Part 1

While fear is a natural and intelligent emotion, when fear goes on overdrive, we are in a trance of fear that contracts our body, heart and mind. Our resistance to the direct experience of fear sustains the trance and leads to decisions and behaviors that harm ourselves and...

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A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart

A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart

Gratitude is like breathing in - letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out - sensing our mutual belonging and offering our care. When we are awake and whole, breathing in and out happens naturally. But these...

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