We can’t truly open to the waves of life unless we recognize our Oceanness, the formless awareness that is our source. This meditation begins with awakening the senses and then…
Results for "breathing meditation"
Meditation: Letting Go of Doing (21:17 min.)
Meditation becomes truly freeing in the moments when there is no controlling whatsoever; when nothing is resisted or grasped after. This guided meditation begins with a simple body scan, relaxing…
Meditation: A Calm Refuge (26:50 min.)
This meditation includes a relaxing body scan and guidance on finding a space of peace and balance in the midst of whatever life brings us. Also enjoy the Virginia springtime…
Meditation: Awakening Through the Animal-Headed Deities (13:48 min.)
This short meditation guides us in engaging with challenging emotions with presence and compassion. By opening to the “deities” we discover an open heartspace that can hold and respond to…
Guided Meditation for Times of Pandemic: “Calling on Your Awakened Heart” (23:44 min.)
In the midst of difficulty we need access to our deepest wisdom and love. This guided meditation calls forth this loving presence by opening to the heart and spirit of…
Méditation: Un retour à l’intérieur avec la respiration (23:21 min.)
…nous habitent et nous traversent. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation: Homecoming with the Breath…
Mindfulness Daily @ Work New Year’s Meditation Challenge 2024 with Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield
Mindfulness Daily @ Work New Year’s Meditation Challenge 2024 with Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach 40-Day Challenge Begins January 8, 2024 The Mindfulness Daily @ Work New Year’s Meditation Challenge…
Méditation: Une pause pour être Présent (12:02 min.)
…nous sommes au milieu de situations difficiles. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation: A Pause…
Méditation: Une conscience ouverte et éveillée (17:27 min.)
…est dans le moment présent. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation: Awake and Open Awareness…
Meditation: Embodying Acceptance and Care (15:53 min.)
This guided meditation helps us cultivate a friendly relationship with our experience. Using the image of a smile, we bring a gentle presence alive in our bodies, and then open…
Meditation: Coming Home to Heartspace (22:59 min.)
Our pathway to our hearts is through presence. This meditation helps us awaken presence through our body and all our senses. We then open to the awareness that can meet…
Meditation: Befriending Our Experience (22:37 min.)
Meditation: Befriending Our Experience We begin the meditation with a sense of befriending our experience – with an intention towards gentleness and kindness as the attention goes inward. We scan…
Trauma Sensitive Meditation – The Power of Self-Nurturing
Download the free PDF While we all need to customize meditation, this is particularly important for those living with PTSD or strong, potentially overwhelming emotions. This talk explores how trauma…
Guided Meditation: Space of Awareness (from Spring 2012 IMCW retreat) (28:52 min.)
This meditation is adapted from a meditation called “Open Focus.” Let whatever comes spontaneously to your awareness to be there as you follow along with the questions, which begin with,…
Meditation: Listening to Life (18:23 min)
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations,…
Meditation: Openhearted Presence (19:26 min.)
This meditation guides us to arouse mindfulness through attention to our senses, and to rest in that wakefulness with a receptive and tender presence. Écouter en-Français: Méditation : Présence à…
Meditation: Body and Spirit (19:43 min.)
As we relax and awaken through our physical body, we discover the formless dimension of awareness or spirit that permeates all of life. This meditation includes a poem from Mary…
Meditation: The Presence Beyond Thoughts (17:33 min.)
We spend many life moments in a trance of thinking. This meditation awakens the senses through a body scan, and attention to sound. We then rest in the presence that…
Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome (18:51 min.)
This meditation scans through the body, and awakens attention to the open, inclusive awareness that all life arises in. We then explore experiencing that openness in the region of the…
Meditation: Relaxing Open into Full Presence (21:59 min.)
The pathway to presence does not involve efforts or striving. As you will find in this simple, gentle meditation, a vibrant and healing presence is possible as we wake up…