…with our world. Tara is the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and, together with Jack Kornfield, has co-founded Banyan and the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program, which…
Results for "breathing meditation"
…co-founded Banyan and the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program, which serves participants from 74 countries around the world. Learn More… Recent Talks Recent Meditations Subscribe to Tara’s Podcast New to…
Talks and Meditations from Retreats
…talks, guided meditations, and question/answer – Q/A – periods recorded during Tara’s 5- and 7-day residential retreats. Talks from Retreats Meditations from Retreats Short Talks, Instructions and QA’s from Retreats…
Ten-Minute Basic Meditation (10 min.)
…the first morning instructions at the fall 2015 Insight Meditation Community of Washington 7-day silent retreat (a favorite from the archives). In French: Pratique de méditation de base de 10…
Méditation: Médecine de Coeur pour l’anxiété (12:23 min)
Méditation guidée: Médecine de Coeur pour l’anxiété (12:23 min) – Lorsque nous sommes en proie à l’anxiété, nous avons besoin d’un chemin pour retourner vers notre paix intérieure. Cette méditation…
Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence (15 min)
Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence (15 min) – This meditation guides us to awaken to sensation using the image of a smile and scanning through the body….
Meditation: Vipassana (Insight or Mindfulness) (16:58 min)
Meditation: Vipassana (Insight or Mindfulness) – A gift of meditation is learning to open to life just how it is, with awake awareness. This meditation guides us in establishing an…
Méditation: Sache que tu es ici (19:21 min.)
…mystère et de la vivacité d’être ici. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). Pour écouter d’autres méditations…
Guided Meditation: Listening to Life (25:44 min.)
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations,…
Méditation: Détendue le jour, et dormir la nuit venue- trouver le calme et l’aisance en soi (15:06 min.)
…attention détendu qui nous mène à un sommeil réparateur. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation:…
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness (19:49 min.)
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness (19:49 min.) – This meditation begins by relaxing through the body, and connecting with inner aliveness and space. We then include sounds and sense…
Meditation: Listening to Life (24:26 min.)
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations,…
Guided Heart Meditation: Loving Kindness – Befriending our Lives (27:22 min.)
…The Exquisite Risk Enjoy the meditation with a short talk that introduces Loving Kindness practice here: Short Talk and Guided Heart Meditation – Loving Kindness – Befriending our Lives https://youtu.be/3STenfbpZbI…
Meditation: The “Do No Harm and Take No S***” Practice, by Guest Elizabeth Lesser (18:13 min.)
This practice – based on an ancient Buddhist meditation – bears the name of needlepoint I found in my sister’s office after she died. She was a nurse, and as…
Meditation: Awareness is Our Home (21:32 min.)
…When the mind drifts, the return is a relaxing back to our senses, and to the sea of awareness that includes and experiences the waves of life. From the meditation…
Meditation: Getting Lost and Coming Back Here (19:46 min)
Meditation: Getting Lost and Coming Back Here This meditation establishes a sense of presence, of being Here, through a body scan and awakening the senses. We then notice when we’re…
Meditation: Know That You’re Here, Right Here (10:00 min) (no closing bells)
Given the first morning of the 2017 IMCW Spring Retreat, this meditation guides you through a body scan, opens to sounds, then expands to the body as a field of…
Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice
…of clear recognition and an allowing non-judgmental presence. Listen and watch Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice Listen and watch Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice (below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBcTat6UZUU&feature=youtu.be…
Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice
…of clear recognition and an allowing non-judgmental presence. Listen and watch Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice Listen and watch Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice (below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVK1d9oz5g4&feature=youtu.be…
Meditation: Letting Go (20:53 min.)
One way of understanding meditation is a letting go of the habitual clenching of thoughts, the clenching that resists emotions and pulls away from aliveness itself. This meditation guides us…