The depth and vitality of a meditation practice depends on our sincerity, and an attitude of curiosity and friendliness. With this as the grounds, our practice will cultivate the clear…

The depth and vitality of a meditation practice depends on our sincerity, and an attitude of curiosity and friendliness. With this as the grounds, our practice will cultivate the clear…
…allow, investigate and nurture. [NOTE: this meditation was given at the end of Tara’s Anger and Transformation talk on 2020-06-10. A brief context is given, then the meditation begins…
Wednesday Night Meditation Class Information Tara’s weekly Wednesday night meditation class is webcasted via Tara’s YouTube Channel starting at 7:30pm ET (New York). The talks are pre-recorded to maximize broadcast…
…identify as a separate self, we become the background “owner” of whatever occurs. Ajahn Buddhadasa, a twentieth-century Thai meditation master, describes this conditioning to attach an idea of self to…
These two classes cover the basic instructions for Buddhist mindfulness (vipassana or insight) meditation. The first class explores the attitude we bring to meditation that makes it rewarding, and the…
Meditation: A Sky-Like Mind …listening to sounds… This meditation begins with listening to sounds as a portal to spacious awareness. In addition to guiding attention to naturally occurring sounds, Tara…
…what has touched us. This meditation uses the breath to guide us in letting in and contacting suffering, and offering out our love. With practice this meditation enables us to…
Meditation: Present Heartspace – This meditation establishes an embodied presence with the gentleness of a smile-down scan, then opens us to the heartspace that includes the changing waves of experience….
Tara gives instructions on standing and walking meditation. Meditation is a practice of presence that you can bring alive in all settings and activities. The formal training in walking meditation…
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness (19:49 min.) – This meditation begins by relaxing through the body, and connecting with inner aliveness and space. We then include sounds and sense…
Meditation: Awake, Openhearted Awareness This meditation guides us in recognizing the formless awareness that is always here, but often outside of conscious awareness. As awareness awakens to realize itself, we…
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations,…
…mystère et de la vivacité d’être ici. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère (Québec, Canada). Pour écouter d’autres méditations…
…the first morning instructions at the fall 2015 Insight Meditation Community of Washington 7-day silent retreat (a favorite from the archives). In French: Pratique de méditation de base de 10…
…with our world. Tara is the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and, together with Jack Kornfield, has co-founded Banyan and the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program, which…
…and meditation is a training in touching vulnerability, and discovering the boundless heartspace that can be a transformer of sorrows. A special instruction and guided heart meditation from the 2017…
This meditation is included at the end of the RAIN of Self-Compassion talk. This talk explores three key features of the trance of unworthiness and introduces this guided meditation based…
These two classes cover the basic instructions for Buddhist mindfulness (vipassana or insight) meditation. The first class explores the attitude we bring to meditation that makes it rewarding, and the…
…The Exquisite Risk Enjoy the meditation with a short talk that introduces Loving Kindness practice here: Short Talk and Guided Heart Meditation – Loving Kindness – Befriending our Lives…
Meditation: Listening to Life – The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds,…