Guided Meditations
Browse the entire library, or select a category below:
Guided Meditation: Letting Life Live Through You
Guided Meditation: Cultivating a Relaxed Attentiveness
Guided Meditation: Dynamic Presence

Guided Meditation: A Healing Breath (20:31 min.)
NOTE: an excerpt from the end of the "A Forgiving Heart" talk below. Includes a poem from Rumi at the end. "Part 3 - A Forgiving Heart"

Guided Forgiveness Meditation (11:23 min)
NOTE: an excerpt from the end of the "A Forgiving Heart" talk on 2/26/2014. Includes a poem from Rumi at the end.

Guided Meditation: Into Stillness

Guided Meditation: Listening to & Feeling the Moment (2)

Guided Meditation: Metta (Lovingkindness) (11:48 min)
Guided Meditation: Metta (Lovingkindness) - Short heart meditation from the end of the talk, "Part 1: Universal Faces of Love" (audio and video)

Guided Meditation: A Listening Presence
Walking Meditation Instructions (from the IMCW New Year’s retreat) (6:19)

Guided Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence

Meditation: The Center of Now – Includes Body Scan (24:19 min)
Holiday evening - No Class - Enjoy a favorite from 2011:
Walking Meditation – Instructions (audio) (6:19)

Walking Meditation – Instructions (audio) (6:19 min.)
Tara gives instructions on standing and walking meditation. Meditation is a practice of presence that you can bring alive in all settings and activities. The formal training in...

Guided Meditation: Being Presence (26:23 min.)
Also enjoy: A Shared Prayer for Compassion and Peace - offered at end of the winter solstice talk.
Guided Meditation: Space & Aliveness

Guided Meditation – “Compassion Practice – Tonglen” (37:10 min.)
Our deepest wisdom and purest actions arise out of open-hearted presence. This meditation is drawn from the Tibetan tradition and carries us home to the vastness of loving...

Guided Meditation: Listening to & Feeling the Moment
Guided Meditation: Choiceless Awareness (28:51 min.)
Guided Meditation: Breath & Presence
Please consider a donation of any size—your generosity allows us to offer these talks and meditations freely.