Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Living Presence – with Body Scan (17 min)
A key pathway to full presence is awakening through the body. This meditation guides us through a body scan, relaxing and receiving the play of sensations. We then deepen...

Meditation: Relaxed and Alert (21:33 min.)
This meditation begins with a period of relaxing and collecting our attention with intentional long deep breathing. We then deepen embodied presence, and widen to the awareness...

Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (24:31 min.)
Taking in the Goodness: Rumi said, “Whenever some kindness comes to you, turn that way – toward the source of kindness.” This meditation guides us to look for the source of...

Meditation: The Heartspace of Gratitude (18:30 min.)
When gratitude for our life arises, we enter the sacred space of an open heart. This meditation guides us in arriving in presence and awakening the blessings of gratitude. Hello,...

Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome (18:51 min.)
This meditation scans through the body, and awakens attention to the open, inclusive awareness that all life arises in. We then explore experiencing that openness in the region...

Meditation: The Presence Beyond Thoughts (17:33 min.)
We spend many life moments in a trance of thinking. This meditation awakens the senses through a body scan, and attention to sound. We then rest in the presence that can come...

Meditation: Blessings of Love (11:33 min.)
A blessing is whatever reminds us of the sacred loving presence that shines through all of us. This meditation is a transformational practice in receiving and offering blessings....

Meditation: Inhabiting Our Body, Realizing Wholeness (24:14 min.)
Awakening awareness in the body is the portal to resting in boundless and dynamic presence. This guided practice scans the body from feet up, and helps us inhabit all parts of...

Réflexion guidée : amener RAIN à la peur
Dans cette courte pratique nous explorons comment la Pleine Conscience et la Compassion de RAIN (un acronyme qui veut dire « pluie » en anglais et qui est un moyen...

Meditation: Embodied Spirit (16:55 min.)
Experiencing our aliveness through our senses is the gateway to resting in formless loving presence. This meditation guides us to awakening through our body, and recognizing the...

Meditation: Light RAIN in Difficult Times (9:31 min.)
This meditation guides us in bringing the mindfulness and self-compassion of RAIN to a challenging part of our life, and particularly, to places of self-judgment or feelings of...

Meditation: Yes to Life (18:48 min.)
In the moments we release all resistance, we relax open to inhabit the fullness of our Being. This meditation guides us to an embodied, openhearted presence that welcomes the...

Meditation: Being Here for Life (18:04 min.)
It’s easy to race through our seasons and miss the mystery and preciousness of unfolding moments. This meditation invites us into an embodied, openhearted presence and...

Meditation: Letting Go into Living Presence (18:32 min.)
We resist reality by tensing our body and contracting into thoughts. This meditation guides us into letting go of resistance by surrendering over and over into the aliveness and...

Meditation: From Head to Full Being (19:05 min.)
When we are lost inside thoughts we lose connection with our heart, aliveness and spirit. This meditation guides us to a wakeful presence and invites us to return over and over...

Meditation – Opening to Full Aliveness (18:32 min.)
Our tension is a way of defending against the aliveness that is here and now. This meditation guides us in relaxing tension, awakening our senses and discovering the vitality and...

Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath (17:47 min.)
This guided practice has a short period of relaxing the body, and establishes the breath as a home base for attention. We practice arriving again and again, deepening the pathway...

Meditation: Relaxing into Living Presence (23:39 min.)
This meditation guides us to awaken to sensation using the image of a smile and scanning through the body. We then open to sound and to the entire changing flow of experience....

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence (11:56 min.)
When we are stressed, our body and mind contract, and energetically we resist the life in the present moment. This meditation helps de-condition the stress reaction by guiding us...

Meditation: Embodying Loving Awareness (19:22 min.)
Love is often abstract, and not fully alive. In this practice, with the supportive image and felt sense of a smile, we are guided to awaken loving in our body, mind and whole...
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