Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Embodying Loving Awareness (19:22 min.)
Love is often abstract, and not fully alive. In this practice, with the supportive image and felt sense of a smile, we are guided to awaken loving in our body, mind and whole...

Meditation: A Kind and Allowing Presence (19:05 min.)
When we’re stressed our hearts tighten and we try to control our life. This meditation guides us to relax the controlling and discover the open, tender awareness that allows life...

Blog ~ Guided Reflection: Bringing RAIN to Difficulty (text and audio)
Download in PDF: Guided Reflection: Bringing RAIN to Difficulty Guided Reflection: Bringing RAIN to Difficulty Sitting quietly, close your eyes and take a few full breaths. Bring...

Meditation: Cultivating Deep Listening (19:52 min.)
Deep listening expresses the purity and presence of our true nature. This meditation guides us to come into a state of listening that is spacious, receptive and profoundly...

Meditation: Aliveness and Presence (20:50 min.)
This meditation guides us to wake up our senses and full aliveness through a body scan, and then to rest in the formless presence that is aware of this changing dance of...

Meditation: Continuous Space Suffused with Awareness (18:39 min.)
By learning to inhabit the body, we discover the space and aliveness that fills the universe. In this meditation we are guided through the body, filling different domains with...

Meditation: A Welcoming Heartspace (18:21 min.)
Our pathway to peace and happiness is through opening, with tenderness, to our moment-to-moment experience. This meditation guides us first to be awake in our body and senses,...

Meditation: Being a Kind Witness (18:47 min.)
Learning to witness what is going on inside us is the gateway to inner freedom and deep realization. This meditation guides us in witnessing our experience with a non-judging and...

Meditation: Homecoming with the Breath (23:48 min.)
This meditation focuses on the breath as an anchor for homecoming. We begin with an intentional breath (coherence breathing) and then establish the natural breath as a home base....

Méditation: Un retour à l’intérieur avec la respiration (23:21 min.)
Cette méditation ancre notre attention sur la respiration. Nous débutons avec une respiration consciente et permettons à la respiration naturelle d’être notre point d’ancrage....

Meditation: Sacred Presence (20:13 min.)
This meditation guides us to wakefully relax with the changing flow of moment to moment experience. As we open our senses fully, we discover the sacred living presence that is...

Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence (12:18 min.)
Our thoughts keep us removed from this living world. This guided practice invites us to open and relax with the moment to moment experience of our senses. It includes a poem by...

Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence (19:12 min.)
Only in silence and presence do we realign with what matters to our hearts. This simple practice of arriving in an embodied awareness supports us in touching the grounds of true...

Meditation: A Present Heart (18:33 min.)
One translation of mindfulness, in Chinese, is “present heart.” In this guided meditation we begin by awakening through the body and the senses, and then open the attention to...

Meditation: Uprooting Limiting Beliefs with RAIN (9:21 min.)
This short meditation guides us in using RAIN (recognize-allow-investigate-nurture) when we discover we are caught in a limiting belief (an excerpt from the full talk, Freedom...

Meditation: RAIN of Self-Compassion (17:27 min.)
One of the great sufferings is turning on ourselves with judgment and/or self-aversion. This practice brings the acronym RAIN to this pain. It helps us cultivate a healing...

Meditation: Meeting life with a Kind Presence (21:09 min.)
This practice guides us to a receptive, kind presence by starting with listening, and moving through a body scan. We then rest in an open awareness, responding to whatever...

Meditation: Coming Home to Heartspace (22:59 min.)
Our pathway to our hearts is through presence. This meditation helps us awaken presence through our body and all our senses. We then open to the awareness that can meet whatever...

Meditation: Yes to Our Moments (19:37 min.)
When we open without resistance to the changing flow of aliveness, we discover the formless presence that is our true home. This meditation guides us through a body scan and then...

Meditation: Embodied Love (21:56 min.)
This meditation guides us through a scan, to awaken a healing and openhearted presence throughout our body. We then widen to our full field of awareness, including whatever wants...
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