Guided Meditations
Browse the entire library, or select a category below:
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness (19:49 min.)
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness (19:49 min.) - This meditation begins by relaxing through the body, and connecting with inner aliveness and space. We then include...
Meditation: Realizing Your Aspiration (9:43 min.)
Meditation: Realizing Your Aspiration (9:43 min.) - Beyond any meditation technique, what energizes and guides our spiritual life is aspiration. This reflection can help deepen...
Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence (14:55 min.)
Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence (14:55 min.) - Our thoughts keep us removed from this living world. This guided practice invites us to open and relax with the moment to...
Méditation: Médecine de Coeur pour l’anxiété (12:23 min)
Méditation guidée: Médecine de Coeur pour l’anxiété (12:23 min) - Lorsque nous sommes en proie à l’anxiété, nous avons besoin d’un chemin pour retourner vers notre paix...
Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence (19:12 min.)
Only in silence and presence do we realign with what matters to our hearts. This simple practice of arriving in an embodied awareness supports us in touching the grounds of true...
Meditation: Whole Body Breathing (21:25 min.)
This guided meditation includes a body scan and invites the receptivity and letting-go of whole body breathing. Once we have awakened the vitality and presence throughout the...
Meditation: Awake and Alive (18:27 min.)
This guided practice includes a body scan, and an opening to the awareness that includes all of life. From that wakeful openness we offer a relaxed attentiveness to the changing...
Meditation: The Space and Aliveness of Presence (21:53 min.)
We arrive in presence by deepening attention in the body; relaxing and awakening through a body scan. That presence deepens as we bring our attention to the space of awareness...
Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome (18:51 min.)
This meditation scans through the body, and awakens attention to the open, inclusive awareness that all life arises in. We then explore experiencing that openness in the region...
Meditation: Awareness is Our Home (21:31 min.)
This guided practice helps us come into our senses through a body scan. We then rest in the awareness that is listening to and feeling the changing flow of experience. When the...
Meditation: Pathway of Love (18:05 min.)
This heart practice opens with the intention to bring a kind presence to whatever arises. After arriving with a body scan, we are guided to meet all experience with an open...
Meditation: Present Heart (14:16 min)
We awaken a present heart by relaxing with the breath, and bringing the kindness of a smile into our bodily experience. This meditation ends with offering blessings to our inner...
Meditation: Meeting Life with a Spacious Heart (22:00 min.)
Especially when we’re stressed, we need pathways to an allowing, kind presence. This meditation guides us to relax and open through our bodies, and then meet changing waves of...
Meditation: Entrusting Yourself to the Waves (20:28 min.)
By not resisting, by letting the waves wash through us, we began to relax. Rather than fighting the stormy surges, we rest in an ocean of awareness that embraces all the moving...
Meditation: Inhabiting Our Body, Realizing Wholeness (24:14 min.)
Awakening awareness in the body is the portal to resting in boundless and dynamic presence. This guided practice scans the body from feet up, and helps us inhabit all parts of...
Meditation: Être Un Témoin Bienveillant
Apprendre à être témoin de ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de nous est la porte d’entrée vers la liberté intérieure et la réalisation profonde de qui nous sommes. Cette méditation...
Meditation: Embodied Spirit (16:54 min.)
Experiencing our aliveness through our senses is the gateway to resting in formless loving presence. This meditation guides us to awakening through our body, and recognizing the...
Meditation: Compassion Practice – Tonglen (23:39 min.)
Our deepest wisdom and purest actions arise out of open-hearted presence. This meditation, a compassion practice or tonglen, is drawn from the Tibetan tradition and carries us...
Meditation: Being a Kind Witness (18:47 min.)
Learning to witness what is going on inside us is the gateway to inner freedom and deep realization. This meditation guides us in witnessing our experience with a non-judging and...
Meditation: Embodying Acceptance and Care (15:52 min.)
This guided meditation helps us cultivate a friendly relationship with our experience. Using the image of a smile, we bring a gentle presence alive in our bodies, and then open...
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