Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Openhearted Presence (21:58 min.)
This meditation guides us to arouse mindfulness through attention to our senses, and to rest in that wakefulness with a receptive and tender presence.

Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (19:55 min.)
Starting with scanning through the body and awakening the senses, we then rest in presence, with the breath as a home base. The meditation invites an openness to whatever arises,...

Meditation: Tonglen – Discovering the Boundless Space of Compassion (5:53 min.)
This short version of the Tibetan Tonglen practice guides us in courageously opening to the suffering within us and all beings, and allowing that suffering to be held in the...

Meditation: Gateway to Natural Presence (17:18 min.)
We enter a full presence through awakening our senses, and awakening to the awareness that is aware. This meditation guides us as we arouse an embodied presence, let go of any...

Meditation: Listening to Life (24:26 min.)
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel...

Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness (18:22 min.)
This meditation begins by guiding us through a scan: opening to inner space and aliveness, then to outer space, and then continuous space, filled with the light of awareness. We...

Meditation: Calling on Our Inner Bodhisattva (21:12 min.)
We each have within us the very source of wisdom and love. This meditation calls forward that essence, our awakening heart, so we can seek guidance and nurturing for the parts of...

Meditation: Healing Shame with RAIN (12:59 min.)
This meditation brings the clarity and self-compassion of RAIN to the suffering of self-aversion and/or shame. It helps us see the conditioning that shaped what we judge about...

Meditation: Body and Spirit (19:21 min.)
As we relax and awaken through our physical body, we discover the formless dimension of awareness or spirit that permeates all of life. This meditation includes a poem from Mary...

Meditation: Embodied Metta (19:36 min.)
Lovingkindness becomes full when it is energetically experienced in our bodies. This meditation guides us in awakening the receptivity, warmth and openness of metta through our...

Meditation: A Pause for Presence (12:18 min.)
A guided meditation which invites a "sacred pause" in daily life, as a way to open, center, and start fresh in the midst of any difficult situation. In French: Une pause pour...

Méditation: Rencontrer la colère avec conscience (15:48 min.)
Lorsque notre colère est contenue avec conscience, elle peut être une force, une énergie, pour répondre avec sagesse aux situations difficiles de la vie. Cette méditation nous...

Meditation: Meeting Anger with Awareness (15:16 min.)
When anger is held in mindfulness, it can energize us to respond wisely to challenging situations. This meditation guides us in meeting personal or societal anger with RAIN -...

Meditation: Inner Refuge of Calm (21:10 min.)
In times of stress, it’s crucial that we have pathways to quiet our minds, relax our bodies and rest in a calm, steady presence. This meditation guides us in using the breath,...

Meditation: Homecoming to Wakeful Presence (20:04 min.)
This meditation begins with us standing in mindful movement, guiding us in awakening awareness in the body. Then in sitting practice, we open all our senses, resting in the...

Meditation: Spacious, Loving Awareness (from retreat) (30:03 min.) ~ with video
~ an Open Awareness Meditation ~ When our awareness is awake and open, we naturally respond to this changing life with warmth, tenderness and love. This practice helps us...

Meditation: The Art of Letting Go (19:15 min.)
Letting go means releasing the resistance we have to experiencing the present moment. This meditation guides us to let go of the thoughts that block our immediate sensory...

Méditation: Détendue le jour, et dormir la nuit venue- trouver le calme et l’aisance en soi (15:06 min.)
Une méditation guidée: Détendue le jour, et dormir la nuit venue, trouver le calme et l’aisance en soi. Plus du 1\3 des adultes en Occident n’ont pas assez de sommeil. Les...

Meditation: Living, Embodied Presence (22:32 min.)
This practice begins with a full body scan and then guides us to return again and again to our senses. What we find is a dynamic presence, a Hereness that feels like home. The...

Meditation: Calling on Your Future Self (12:10 min.)
We have within us the wisdom and compassion that can carry us through the most challenging times. This meditation guides us in accessing these inner resources by calling on the...
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