Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Homecoming to Wakeful Presence (20:04 min.)
This meditation begins with us standing in mindful movement, guiding us in awakening awareness in the body. Then in sitting practice, we open all our senses, resting in the...
Meditation: Spacious, Loving Awareness (from retreat) (30:03 min.) ~ with video
~ an Open Awareness Meditation ~ When our awareness is awake and open, we naturally respond to this changing life with warmth, tenderness and love. This practice helps us...
Meditation: The Art of Letting Go (19:15 min.)
Letting go means releasing the resistance we have to experiencing the present moment. This meditation guides us to let go of the thoughts that block our immediate sensory...
Méditation: Détendue le jour, et dormir la nuit venue- trouver le calme et l’aisance en soi (15:06 min.)
Une méditation guidée: Détendue le jour, et dormir la nuit venue, trouver le calme et l’aisance en soi. Plus du 1\3 des adultes en Occident n’ont pas assez de sommeil. Les...
Meditation: Living, Embodied Presence (22:32 min.)
This practice begins with a full body scan and then guides us to return again and again to our senses. What we find is a dynamic presence, a Hereness that feels like home. The...
Meditation: Calling on Your Future Self (12:10 min.)
We have within us the wisdom and compassion that can carry us through the most challenging times. This meditation guides us in accessing these inner resources by calling on the...
Meditation: Openhearted Presence (23:26 min.)
This meditation guides us in embodying loving presence through a body scan, and then meeting whatever arises with a tender heart. We close with a beautiful blessing-poem from...
Meditation: Vipassana – Seeing Life As It Is (27:36 min.)
This classic Buddhist meditation trains us to wake up out of thoughts and to attend to our changing experience with a balanced, clear and open presence. Enjoy a bit longer...
Meditation: Awakening Through the Animal-Headed Deities (13:48 min.)
This short meditation guides us in engaging with challenging emotions with presence and compassion. By opening to the “deities” we discover an open heartspace that can hold and...
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Natural Awareness (27:01 min.)
In this meditation we are guided to discover the space and aliveness that fills the body, sense the space in the universe, and then to realize our Beingness as continuous space,...
Meditation: Refuge in Sacred Presence (22:30 min.)
Our experience includes a foreground of changing experience - sounds, sensations, feelings, thoughts. In the background is an alert inner stillness, the awareness that is our...
Meditation: A Calm Refuge (26:50 min.)
This meditation includes a relaxing body scan and guidance on finding a space of peace and balance in the midst of whatever life brings us. Also enjoy the Virginia springtime...
Meditation: Meeting Fear with a Healing Breath (22:59 min.)
This meditation guides us through a relaxing body scan and then explores how we can allow the breath to calm our body and bring peace to our heart.
Meditation: Touching Peace (22:51 min.)
This guided meditation offers a pathway to quieting our mind and calming anxiety. We begin with long deep breathing, and with the breath, engage the image of a smile and relax...
Meditation: Embracing Life with an Open Heart (11:54 min.)
In this short practice we connect with our aspiration to live from love, and then bring a caring presence to our own vulnerability, to a dear one, and to all beings everywhere. ...
Short Talk and Guided Meditation: Bringing RAIN to Fear (13:32 min.)
In this practice we explore how the mindfulness and compassion of RAIN can free us from the grip of fear. This is an excerpt from the full talk: Facing Pandemic Fears with an...
Guided Meditation for Times of Pandemic: “Calling on Your Awakened Heart” (23:44 min.)
In the midst of difficulty we need access to our deepest wisdom and love. This guided meditation calls forth this loving presence by opening to the heart and spirit of whatever...
Méditation: Méditation pour en temps de Pandémie: Invitez votre cœur éveillé (23:12 min.)
Pour traverser ces moments difficiles, accédons à notre sagesse et à notre amour les plus profonds. Cette méditation guidée appelle la présence bienveillante pour faire...
Reflection: Bringing RAIN to the Wanting Mind (11:01 min.)
Most of us have spent a lifetime fixating our desires on external objects. But if we learn to really trace them back, we discover that they are the voice of loving awareness...
Transcript & Audio ~ Guided Meditation: The Practice of Vipassana (Mindfulness) (15:27 min.)
Download in PDF: Guided Meditation: The Practice of Vipassana (Mindfulness) The Buddhist practice for developing mindfulness is called vipassana, which means “clear insight” or...
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