Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Receiving Life in Open Awareness (16:58 min)
Our habit is to try to manage our experience from a mental control tower. This meditation awakens us through the body, and then invites us to rest in that vast presence that...
Meditation: Receiving This Life in Awareness (23:43 min)
In our everyday life we are conditioned to feel that life is happening to us, or that we are the doer. This meditation deconditions that self-centrality by bringing attention to...
Meditation: Listening to and Feeling Our Life (17:56 min)
Guided Meditation – Listening to and Feeling Our Life Listening to sounds is a powerful way to quiet the thinking mind and connect with the natural openness of awareness. This...
Meditation Instructions – RAIN and Question-Response (14:23 min)
Tara gives morning instruction on retreat including RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nourish), then responds to questions from retreatants. Includes a question on resourcing...
On Deepening Our Meditation and a Guided Meditation from Retreat (24:48 min)
Meditation Instructions and a Guided Meditation from Retreat (2016-08-27) - Tara gives morning instructions about ways to deepen our meditation practice, then leads us in a...
Meditation: Your Future Self – Accessing the Wisdom of Your Heart (7:17 min)
When we are cut off from our natural love and wisdom, there’s a way home. This meditation guides us to a visit with our future self, and reveals a pathway to our awakened,...
Meditation: Awakening Our Energy Body (21:32 min)
This meditation scans the body and directly invites the awakening of key energy centers (chakras) in our body. We then rest in the openhearted awareness that includes this ever...
Meditation: Coming Home to Openhearted Awareness (19:00 min)
Meditation: Coming Home to Openhearted Awareness ~ In daily life we often leave ourselves, get lost in thoughts, and cut off from a direct, openhearted experience of our life....
Meditation: Receiving Life in Open, Awake Awareness (19:44 min)
This meditation awakens a receptive attention to the senses, starting with physical sensations and opening to sound. Then we sense how open awake awareness is receiving the...
Meditation: Awakening Our Full Aliveness (20:57 min)
We cut off from our aliveness when we are lost in thoughts and on auto pilot. This meditation arouses a receptivity to sensation from “the inside out,” opens the awareness to...
Meditation: Guided Heart Forgiveness (28:50 min)
Tara gives brief instructions on the forgiveness practice, then guides us through a process of forgiveness of ourselves and others. "Forgiving is a movement of your heart not to...
Meditation: Invitation to Practice (no bell at end) (3 min)
Take 3 minutes to listen to a brief and beautiful Japanese flute passage from "A Touch of Grace" - an album by Tara’s husband, Jonathan Foust. Then Tara will guide you into...
Meditation: Spacious Sky of Awareness (18:23)
This meditation begins with a body scan that enables us to awaken our senses. We relax open fully to include the changing flow of sounds and sensations, in a spacious, open...
Brief Meditation: Arriving in Mindful Presence – (5 min)
This brief meditation can support you in pausing and arriving again in the life that’s right here. photo: Susan Reviere
Brief Meditation: Arriving in Mindful Presence (1 min)
This brief meditation can support you in pausing and arriving again in the life that's right here. photo: Shell Fischer
Meditation: Resting in Awake Awareness (18:03 min)
When we allow the body to be a portal, we discover the ever-present background of awareness that includes the whole play of sensation, sound, aliveness. This meditation awakens...
Meditation: Letting Life Live through You (22:09 min.)
Meditation - Letting Life Live Through You - This meditation begins with quieting the mind and collecting attention with the breath. We then awaken the senses through a body...
Meditation: Know That You’re Here (19:22 min)
We spend many moments in a trance, time traveling to the past and future, lost in a virtual reality. This meditation helps us collect our attention with our breath, awaken...
Meditation: Gladdening the Mind (18:05 min)
The Buddha taught the value of gladdening the mind when we begin a meditation and in our daily lives. This meditation begins with an inquiry on gratitude - what we are most...
Meditation: The Mystery of Aliveness (from retreat) (27:40)
This meditation from the morning of spring retreat begins with a body scan, then widens to include sounds, senses and open energetic awareness. Includes an application of the...
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